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Data Feeds Admin Screen

The Data Feeds Admin screen allows users with appropriate permissions to view details of recently processed customer-generated data feeds inside Emburse Enterprise and, depending on your organization's configuration, upload Allocation, Entity, and Person data feeds. Admins may also use the screen to manually reprocess customer-generated data feeds with a status of “Threshold Failed.”

Data feeds generated by such outside entities as travel agencies or credit cards may not be viewed or reprocessed via this screen.

Be sure you are subscribed to email notifications for each data feed in both the Prod and QA/UAT environments so that you will know if one fails. See Notifications Admin Screen for details.

See Data Feed Specifications & FAQ for complete details on formatting data feeds.

The first time you load a new data feed into the system, it may fail because it surpasses the number of changes allowed. You may easily reprocess the feed following the directions under Reprocess Failed Data Feed, below.

View Data Feed Processing Details


2. Select the desired feed type from the drop-down list, then select the appropriate date range. Click SEARCH.

3. You may sort the results by any of the column headers or drag column headers to the blue bar in order to group the results.

Reprocess Failed Data Feed

Data feeds with a status of "Threshold Failed" may be reprocessed as long as the feed file is still in Failed status.

1. Select the feed in the list and click PROCESS in the upper right-hand corner. This will override the threshold limits and reprocess the file.

2. If the PROCESS button is grayed-out, the file has already been reprocessed.

Data Feed Error and Confirmation Email Notifications

The system will generate confirmation emails for successful data feeds and error emails when a feed is not processed. These notifications are sent to the user(s) indicated for each feed in the Batch Notifications section on the Notifications admin screen

Often when the user who was originally configured to receive these emails departs an organization, no replacement user is added. An admin with appropriate permissions may use the Notifications admin screen to assign the notifications to a new user.

NA - Subscribe.png

Below are examples of confirmation and error emails.

Sample Matter Data Feed Confirmation Email



Subject: Emburse Enterprise Matter Feed Confirmation


Matter Feed successfully processed.


Customer Code: AAAA

Customer Status: LIVE

File: Matter-prod-AAAA-2009-11-11-1111.txt


Inserts: 204

Updates: 150

Deletes: 0

UnDeletes: 0

Total matters in the system 1954


Matter Inserts: 10.44 %

Matter Updates: 7.68 %

Matter Deletes: 0.00 %

Matter UnDeletes: 0.00 %

Number of issue files: 0

Sample Matter Data Feed Error Email

If a feed fails to pass the validation threshold (i.e., more than [X]% updates/inserts/deletes), the customer’s administrator will receive an e-mail notification that the feed was not processed. Below is an example of an email for an unsuccessful Matter data feed. The system will generate similar e-mail notifications for Person and Entity feeds.




Subject: Emburse Enterprise Matter Feed Error


Matter Feed was not processed.


Customer Code: AAAA

Customer Status: LIVE

File: Matter-prod-AAAA-2009-11-24-0102.txt


Inserts: 0

Updates: 7425

Deletes: 0

UnDeletes: 0

Total matters in the system 11202


Matter Inserts: 0.00 %

Matter Updates: 66.28 %

Upload Allocation, Entity, or Person Data Feeds

For customers who are configured with Emburse Enterprise's Generic Data Feed Process, users with appropriate permissions may upload Allocation, Entity, and Person Person data feeds directly from the Data Feeds Admin Screen.

If you are not sure whether your organization has the Generic Data Feed Process configured or would like to set it up, contact us via Support.

Enable Upload Permissions

1. In the Admin menu, click SECURITY, then ACCESS PERMISSIONS. Select the appropriate policy and click EDIT.

2. Under Admin > Data Feeds check the box next to "Upload Allocation Feed," "Upload Entity Feed," and/or "Upload Person Feed," as appropriate.

DFA - Upload Permissions.png

Upload Feeds

1. Select the Allocation, Entity, or Person feed type from the drop-down and click UPLOAD.

DFA - Upload.png

2. On the Data Feed Upload screen, select the type of data feed you are uploading, then click SELECT FILE to upload the appropriately formatted data feed file. Your Emburse Enterprise Implementation team member provided you a preformatted template.

DFA - Upload Screen.png

3. Then click SUBMIT. An email will be sent when feed processing is complete.

View Error Files

Customers who are configured with Emburse Enterprise's Generic Data Feed Process will see an Error column in the Data Feeds Admin results list that allows them to download any error file generated while processing a feed by clicking the paperclip icon.

DFA - Error Column.png


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