Receipt Check-In Admin Screen The Receipt Check-In screen allows organizations who require hard-copy receipts be submitted together with the expense report to reconcile which reports have completed this step. Administrators may use a scanning tool to scan the QR code on each receipt pack cover page, or they may enter in the Report ID manually to complete the check-in. Additionally, administrators may view a list of all successful check-ins for the current day, in chronological order. Access Receipt Check-In Screen 1. Select the ADMIN SETTINGS option at the bottom of the left navigation menu. 2. Click MAINTENANCE > RECEIPT CHECK-IN. 3. You will see a list of all successful check-ins for the current day. The list displays the check-in time and the report data. Each report’s details are shown on the right-hand side of the screen. Check-in a New Receipt Pack To check in a new receipt pack, scan the QR code on the receipt pack cover page or manually enter the 12-digit Report ID and click RETURN/ENTER to complete the check-in process. You will be alerted if the report has already been checked in or if the Report ID is not found. Click UNDO to remove a check-in if the number of physical receipts is found to be higher than the number of scanned receipts. Was this article helpful? Yes No