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Expense Type Admin Screen

The Expense Type Admin screen allows you to create expense types and assign default cost codes to them. To configure cost codes, see Cost Codes Admin Screen.


Preview Expense Type

When you click on an expense type to preview it, you will see the Display Name, the Expense Code, the Cost Code and whether or not per diem may be applied to it. You will also see the expense type’s corresponding tile label as it appears in the mosaics of the currently Live changeset. The tile label will be displayed in your default language.

Edit Expense Type

1. Select the desired expense type and click EDIT.

2. You may change the Display Name of the expense type here. The new name will be automatically updated everywhere it is referenced, including other admin screens like Expense Mapping Admin Screen and Expense Report Tracking Admin Screen, and this change will not require an update to your exports or business rules.

  • To change the name on the expense type’s corresponding tile in the user interface, see Edit Tile Label, below.
  • The corresponding code for the expense type may not be changed.

3. To change the Cost Code, use the drop-down list to select the desired cost code.

4. Check Per Diem Applicable to allow per diem to be applied to this expense type.

5. If applicable, use the Allowance Type drop-down to select the type of allowance calculation for which this expense type may be used.

6. Click SAVE.

Edit Tile Label

When you change the Expense Display name, you will also need to change the corresponding Tile Label. For more details on tiles, see Mosaics & Tiles Admin Screen.

1. From the Expense Type Preview screen, select the desired language and click EDIT.

2. You will be asked to select or create a new changeset.

A changeset is just a way to make changes to the user interface that can be tracked and easily reversed, if necessary. You may select an existing changeset (e.g., one you've already created containing related changes you'd like to make) or create a new one. See Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

3. Enter the new label name and click SAVE.

Create Expense Type

Using the Expense Type Admin screen to create a new expense type is just the first in a multistep process you must follow to make that expense type usable in Chrome River. The entire process will be outlined below.

However, creating a new expense type may not always be the best way to achieve your goal. Customizing your business rules via the Business Rules Admin Screen is often a better way to enforce policies.

  • For example, say your organization has a Mobile Phone Charges expense type, but you want to distinguish mobile phone charges made by executive-level managers like the CEO and CFO. You don't need to create a new expense type called "C-Suite Mobile Phone Charges" because all cell phone charges are really alike. Instead, you could fire a rule based on who the expense owner is. Or you could allow a certain amount of mobile phone charges based on the user's role at the company.
  • On the other hand, if you currently have a Miscellaneous expense type that is being overused by employees, you may need to create more specific expense types they can use instead, like Postage or Office Supplies.

1. To create a new expense type, click the blue plus in the top right of the Expense Type list.

2. Enter the details of the new expense type.

  • Expense Display Name: This is what users will see in the application anywhere this expense type is found.
  • Expense Code: This is the name that will be used by the system as reference. It doesn't have to be the same as the Expense Display Name, but it cannot be changed once the expense type has been created.
  • Cost Code: If you wish to have a specific cost code assigned to this expense type by default whenever it is used on an expense report, select it from the drop-down menu.
  • Per Diem Applicable: Check this box to allow per diem to be applied to this expense type.

Click SAVE.

3. If you wish to automatically assign the new expense type to certain transaction categories (e.g., credit cards, travel, pre-approvals), navigate to the Assign Expense Types Admin Screen screen.

4. Now you will need to create an expense type tile that users can click to add the expense type to a report. See "Create a New Tile" in Mosaics & Tiles Admin Screen for complete details.

5. Finally, you will need to add that tile to at least one mosaic so that users can find it in the user interface. See "Add and Remove Tiles in a Mosaic" in Mosaics & Tiles Admin Screen for complete details.

6. Optionally, you may wish to edit your organization's compliance rules to reference the new expense type. See Business Rules Admin Screen for more details.

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