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Mosaics & Tiles Admin Screen

The Mosaics & Tiles admin screen allows you to customize the appearance of Expense Type mosaics and the tiles that appear in them.

It is highly recommended that you create and test changes in the QA/UAT environment and then use Cross-Environment Publishing to promote the changes to Production. See "Cross Publish Changesets Between Environments" in Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.


2. Select the changeset you would like to use to publish your updates.

A changeset is just a way to make changes to the user interface that can be tracked and easily reversed, if necessary. You may select an existing changeset (e.g., one you've already created containing related changes you'd like to make) or create a new one. See Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

3. Select the desired application (EXPENSE, PRE-APPROVAL, et al.), then select either TILES or MOSAIC GALLERY.

Mosaic Gallery Overview

A mosaic is a collection of expense-type tiles displayed in various areas of the Chrome River app. For example, when users want to create new out-of-pocket expenses directly on an expense report, they click CREATE NEW and are presented with a mosaic containing a group of expense types, in the form of tiles, to choose from.

Mosaics may be customized to display different collections of tiles to different users based on attributes in their Person records. For example, your organization may have an expense type that is only available to use in a specific country. You could create a mosaic containing that expense type tile and show it only to users in that country.

Your organization may also choose to configure certain mosaics to appear regardless of the default Primary mosaic set in users' Person records.

1. On the Mosaics & Tiles admin screen, click MOSAIC GALLERY.

2. Select the mosaic you would like to edit from the list. On the right you will see a direct representation of what users see when they access that mosaic.

3. Click on a tile to view its properties, including information specific to the mosaic and the properties set in the Tiles editor.

4. Tile folders contain a subset of other tiles belonging to that category.

Edit Mosaic

1. Select the desired mosaic in the list and click EDIT.

2. The Tile Definition is included for your reference, but only the Mosaic Definition may be edited here. Any changes you make to the tile's Mosaic Definition apply only in the mosaic you selected to edit. To make universal changes to the tile, you must use the Tile Editor. See Edit Tiles, below, for more on editing the Tile Definition.

  • Default Allocation: Your organization may choose to apply default allocations to certain expense types based on rules and/or by using this field. Enter the code of the allocation that you want to be assigned to this expense type by default.
  • Disabled: Check this box if you do not want users to be able to change the allocation you selected. Your organization may also choose to control this function via rules.
  • Low Priority: Check this box to have the selected default allocation used only if the Allocation field is not already being populated by another default function, such as copying from a previous line item or an itemized expense.
  • Itemization Mosaic: Use the drop-down to assign another mosaic that users will see when they save an expense type that has an itemization mosaic. For example, when users save a Hotel expense, they are presented with a second mosaic to allow them to add itemizations from the hotel bill.
  • Rules: This advanced configuration allows you to add or remove configured User Interface Rules to the mosaic. If your organization already has one or more rules configured here, it is not recommended to change them.

Add and Remove Tiles in a Mosaic

1. To add another tile to the mosaic, click ADD TILE.

  • A list of choices will appear in the pane on the left. You may narrow the list by typing in the Search box at the top.
  • Drag the desired tile over to the mosaic to add it.

2. To add a tile directly to a folder on the mosaic, you must click to expand the folder before you drag over the tile.

3. To move a tile from one folder to another, you must first move the tile out of its current folder. Then you may expand the destination folder and drag the tile into it.

4. To delete a tile, hover over it and click the red X .

5. When you have finished making changes, click SAVE in the upper left corner.

Add, Edit and Remove Folders in a Mosaic

1. To add an existing folder to the mosaic, click ADD FOLDER.

    • A list of choices will appear in the pane on the left. You may narrow the list by typing in the Search box at the top.
    • Drag the desired folder over to the mosaic to add it. It will be empty.
    • You will not be able to save the folder until it has at least one tile in it.
    • To move a tile from another folder to into this one, you must first move the tile out of its current folder. Then you may expand the new folder and drag the tile into it.

  • Once the folder has been added, you may change its Label and Icon in the Folder Properties pane on the right.

2. To create a new folder, click ADD FOLDER and then click NEW FOLDER.

  • On the Add Folder pop-up window, enter a label name for the new folder and choose its icon from the list. Then click ADD.

  • Now drag the new folder from the list to the mosaic.

3. To delete a folder or a tile, hover over it and click the red X . All the tiles inside the folder will also be removed from that mosaic. However, the deletion will not be permanent until you click SAVE.

4. When you have finished making changes, click SAVE in the upper left corner.

Edit Tiles

Tiles are the graphical representation of each of your organization's expense types, organized in collections known as "mosaics." Each tile may be associated with only one expense type.

1. On the Mosaics & Tiles admin screen, click TILES.

2. All of your organization's tiles are listed alphabetically. Click on a tile to preview its properties.

  • Tiles with a dotted outline are not yet being used in any mosaic.

3. To make changes to the selected tile, click EDIT. If you did not select a changeset in Step 1, you will be asked to do so now.

4. The tile's properties are shown in Preview and Edit mode.

  • Expense Type: Your organization's name for this type of expense. A tile may only be associated with one expense type.
  • Icon: The graphical representation of the expense type in the user interface.
  • Label: The name of the expense type as it appears in the user interface.
  • Tooltip: An optional field for further details about the expense type that appear when users hover over the tile.
  • Form Name: The data-entry form associated with that expense type. Your organization may use the same form for many different expense types or customize forms for certain expense types.
  • Controls: Configurable properties of that expense type (e.g., whether users may switch a previously created expense of another type to or from this expense type).
  • Rules: Any associated user-interface rules. Eventually, admins will have access to a UI Rules screen that allows them to customize the behavior of an expense type (e.g., to hide the Date Selector for an expense type and assign it today's date by default). Those customizatons will be listed here.
  • References: Add a hyperlink to the data-entry form for this expense type (e.g., a link to your organization's travel policy on your intranet). See "Add a URL to an Expense Tile," below, for complete details.
  • Usage: Shows which mosaics are currently using this expense type. Colons indicate subfolders.

5. When you have entered your changes, click SAVE.

Create a New Tile

To create a new tile, you must first create its corresponding expense type via the Expense Type admin screen. See Expense Type Admin Screen for more details.

1. On the Mosaics & Tiles admin screen, click TILES.

2. Click the blue plus in the top right of the Tiles list.

3. Set the properties for the new tile.

  • Expense Type: Use the drop-down to select the expense type for which you are creating this tile.
  • Icon: Click the arrow next to the default icon to select an appropriate graphical representation of the expense type in the user interface.
  • Label: Enter the name of the expense type as it appears in the user interface. This should be the same as the Expense Display Name shown on the Expense Type Admin Screen.
  • Tooltip: You may use this optional field for further details about the expense type that will appear when users hover over the tile.
  • Form Name: Use the drop-down to select the data-entry form associated with that expense type. Your organization may use the same form for many different expense types or customize forms for certain expense types.
  • Controls: Check to configure certain properties of that expense type (e.g., whether users may switch a previously created expense of another type to or from this expense type).
  • Rules: This advanced configuration allows you to add or remove configured User Interface Rules to the tile via the drop-down menu. Eventually, admins will have access to a UI Rules screen that allows them to customize the behavior of an expense type (e.g., to hide the Date Selector for an expense type and assign it today's date by default). Those customizatons will be listed here.
  • References: Click ADD REFERENCE to insert a text hyperlink that will appear on the data-entry form for this expense type (e.g., a link to your organization's travel policy on your intranet).
  • In the Add Reference pop-up window, enter the Link Label name that will display for users and the Link URL that will take them to the reference.
  • Usage: Once you have saved the tile and added it to one or more mosaics, this section will display which mosaics are currently using this expense type. Colons indicate subfolders.

When finished, click SAVE.

Add a URL to an Expense Tile

The References section of the Tile Editor allows your organization to link users to further information about that expense type via one or more customizable URLs. This is especially useful for referring users to policies tied to compliance rules.

1. Select the desired tile, click EDIT, then scroll down to the References section and click ADD REFERENCE.

MT - Add Ref.png

2. On the Add Reference screen, enter the clickable display text for the link in the Link Label field, then enter the URL in the Link URL field. Then click SAVE.

MT - Customize URL.png

3. The link will appear in the References section of that tile.

MT - Ref Section.png

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