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Forms Admin Screen

The Forms admin screen allows you to customize the data-entry forms that collect information when users create or edit expenses and pre-approvals. A form is what users see when they create a new expense or pre-approval or click on a tile within a mosaic. Forms collect such data as Date and Amount Spent but may also include User-Defined Attributes, formulas, or user-interface rules, as well as properties unique to these.

It is highly recommended that you create and test changes in the QA/UAT environment and then use Cross-Environment Publishing to promote the changes to Production. See "Cross Publish Changesets Between Environments" in Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

Types of Forms

Line-Item Forms

These forms are associated with a tile within a mosaic.

Your organization may use the same line-item form for many different expense types or customize forms for certain expense types. For example, you may have one Meals form that is associated with three tiles in a mosaic: Lunch, Dinner and Meals – Other.

Because of this, changes to one form may affect multiple tiles. In a future release, we will visually indicate which tiles will be affected by the changes made to each form. Until then, clicking on an individual tile in the Mosaics and Tiles admin will show the Form Name associated with that tile.

Common Forms

Common to all expenses, pre-approvals, invoices, and purchase orders, these forms are not assigned at the tile level.

Some examples include...

  • Expense Global UDAs: Add user-defined data fields that will appear on every line item form that has the Expense Global UDAs system field added to it. For example, your organization could create a “Vendor” Global UDA that captures vendor information on each line item users add.

  • Per Diem Expense UDAs: Add user-defined data fields to all per diem line-item forms. For example, your organization could add a “Merchant City” field to capture location info on every per diem line item.

  • If your organization takes advantage of this feature for such itemized expense types as Hotel and Car Rental, you may customize the Recurring Lodging and Recurring Non-Lodging forms that allow users to easily enter expenses that occur on multiple days during a trip, like daily WiFi charges or room tax.

View Forms


2. Select the changeset you would like to use. If a changeset does not exist, you may select Live on Prod (or QA/UAT) and click VIEW.

Only Expense and Pre-Approval line-item and common forms are available at this time. Invoice and Purchase Order forms will be made available in a future release.

3. You will see a list of all the forms defined for your organization.

  • Use the Forms header to sort them by name.

  • Use the Type header to sort them by type (Common or Line Item).

Click on a form to view its fields and their order. The fields on your organization's forms may differ from those depicted here.

Edit Forms

 1. Select the desired form and click EDIT in the upper right corner.

2. If you are not in a changeset, you will be prompted to select a changeset or to create a new one.

A changeset is just a way to make changes to the user interface that can be tracked and easily reversed, if necessary. You may select an existing changeset (e.g., one you've already created containing related changes you'd like to make) or create a new one. See Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

3. On the left you will see three tabs containing fields and rules that you may add to the form. This is also where those elements will reappear if you remove them from the form.

  • System: Standard fields, called panels. Most panels may only appear on a form once.

  • Spacer, Spacer Line and Text/Label are the only panels that may appear multiple times on a form.

  • UDAs: Custom fields; see User Defined Attributes (UDA) Admin Screen for more details. Each UDA may only appear on a form once.

  • Rules: User-interface rules defined by your organization. Each rule may only appear on a form once.

To add a panel, UDA or rule to the form, hover over it and click the blue plus that appears.

4. On the right you will see a list of all the fields, rules and formulas associated with that form. When you hover over a field, you will see two options:

    • Six Dots: Grab the field by the six dots and drag it to change where it appears on the form.

    • X: Click the X to remove the field from that form.

Certain fields may be locked to prevent deletion, depending on how they were set up during your organization's implementation of Emburse Enterprise. You may still edit and rearrange these fields.


Click on a field to edit its properties and restrictions.



Each field will have a different set of properties, but there are some common properties shared by many fields.

  • Disable Field: Prevent users from changing the value of this field on the form.

  • Require Field: Require users to enter or select a value for this field before the line item will be saved.

  • Validation Message: Customize the message that appears when users attempt to save without entering or selecting a value for this field.

  • Hide Field: Checking this option prevents the field from being visible in the user interface.

  • Tooltip: Customize the message that appears when users mouse-hover over the field label in the user interface.

UDAs' only properties are Disable, Require and Hide, while Rules have no editable properties at this time.


Certain fields may include the option to add restrictions, e.g., enforcing that an Amount Spent be greater than zero or that the Date selection not be greater than today’s date.


User-interface rules affect the behavior of fields on a form. These will fire in top-down order, so be sure to arrange them in the correct order on your form.

  • Example: Hide the Date Selector for an expense type and assign it today's date by default.

For assistance with selecting the appropriate rules, contact your Emburse Enterprise Customer Success Manager.


Your organization may have formulas associated with certain forms that were created during your implementation of Emburse Enterprise to perform specific functions on other fields within the form—usually on Mileage-type forms.

  • Example: Update the Amount Spent by applying a calculation based on the Rate and Distance UDA input.

Formulas may be edited in the Properties section of the field editor, but it is recommended you speak with your organization's Emburse Enterprise Implementation Consultant before editing formulas.

Preview Forms

You may view a preview of the form you just created or updated via the Changeset Manager Admin Screen.


2. Select the changeset in which you created or updated the form. Then click the drop-down next to the Forms changes, or click EXPAND ALL.

3. Click VIEW.

4. An interactive visualization showing the composition of the form will open in a pop-up window.

Copy Forms

Copying is the best-practice way to create new forms. It allows you to create new forms based on existing forms simply by customizing them.

1. Select the form on which you wish to base your new form and click COPY.

2. You will be prompted to create a unique name for the form. Click OK.

3. On the copy, click EDIT.

3. Adjust the fields, rules and formulas as necessary, then click SAVE.


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