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Message of the Day Admin Screen

Your organization may use the Message of the Day admin screen to change the information that appears when users log into Emburse Enterprise.

MOTD - Example.png

You may edit the existing Message of the Day or use the Create and Clone features to copy and create new Message of the Day files for testing out new formatting without altering the existing MOTD.

Only the file called "MOTD" will be displayed to users. To make the changes in a cloned version of the MOTD live as the new MOTD, you must either
  • Replace all the HTML of the existing "MOTD" file with the HTML of the new file.
  • Delete and replace the existing "MOTD" file with a new file of the same name.

See below for complete details on creating, cloning and deleting the MOTD.

If you would like to offer multiple Messages of the Day that display based on your organization's rules, contact us via Support.

Access the Message of the Day Editor for the First Time

The first time you access the Message of the Day editor, you may be required to complete a simple conversion before you can begin editing.

1. Click the MENU in the upper left corner of Emburse Enterprise, then click ADMIN SETTINGS.

Access Admin Settings NEWEST.png

2. Under User Interface, click MESSAGE OF THE DAY.

3. Select the changeset you would like to use to publish your updates to the Message of the Day, then click MOTD (or the code used for your organization's Message of the Day file).

4. You may receive a conversion message the first time you access the MOTD. Click CONVERT.

If you receive a message stating that your Message of the Day requires assisted conversion, open a Support ticket to have this one-time procedure performed.

Once the conversion is complete, you will be able to proceed directly to the editor every time you access the Message of the Day admin screen.

Edit the Message of the Day

For complete details on editing the Message of the Day, see Customize Your Company's Message of the Day.

Create a New Blank Message of the Day

By creating a new changeset or using any changeset other than the live one, you will have the option to create a new Message of the Day.

1. To create a new changeset from within the MOTD admin screen, click EDIT, then click CREATE NEW CHANGESET at the bottom of the Select or Create New Changeset window.

A changeset is just a way to make changes to the user interface that can be tracked and easily reversed, if necessary. You may select an existing changeset (e.g., one you've already created containing related changes you'd like to make) or create a new one. See Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

2. Click the blue plus button.

3. By default, the new file will be given the same code as the existing one but appended with a version number in sequential order.

    • For example, this is the first new version of the file called "MOTD," so it is called "MOTD1."

You may change the Code name to any alphanumeric string as long as it has no spaces. Use underscores instead of spaces.

4. Select the Blank template and click ADD.

5. Select the new Code in the list and click EDIT to get started.

6. You may use the WYSIWYG editor to change the formatting of existing text, insert elements like quick links, headings and lines, and update the information and links displayed on the Message of the Day screen.

What you see in the preview is exactly what users will see when they log in to Emburse Enterprise.

Create a New Message of the Day from a Template

By creating a new changeset or using any changeset other than the live one, you will have the option to create a new Message of the Day.

1. To create a new changeset from within the MOTD admin screen, click EDIT, then click CREATE NEW CHANGESET at the bottom of the Select or Create New Changeset window.

A changeset is just a way to make changes to the user interface that can be tracked and easily reversed, if necessary. You may select an existing changeset (e.g., one you've already created containing related changes you'd like to make) or create a new one. See Create and Publish Changesets for complete details.

2. Click the blue plus button.

3. You may choose to start with a blank template or use the Classic template, which is prepopulated with text and quick links for you to customize. This template is also responsive, meaning that the contents shift depending on the size of the browser window. This prevents certain elements from being cut off for users with narrow-screen devices.

By default, the new file will be given the same code as the existing one but appended with a version number in sequential order. You may change the Code name to any alphanumeric string as long as it has no spaces. Use underscores instead of spaces.

Click ADD.

4. Select the new Message of the Day you created in the list and click EDIT.

5. You may use the WYSIWYG editor to change the formatting of existing text, insert elements like quick links, headings and lines, and update the information and links displayed on the Message of the Day screen.

What you see in the preview is exactly what users will see when they log in to Emburse Enterprise.

Clone an Existing Message of the Day

Cloning allows you to create a new Message of the Day file that is an exact copy of an existing file. This is helpful if you only want to make minor modifications.

1. Click CLONE in the upper left of the MOTD you wish to duplicate.

2. If desired, change the default name of the file, then click CLONE.

3. Select the clone in the Code list and click EDIT to begin customizing it.

Delete a Message of the Day

You may delete a message of the day file by selecting it in the list and clicking DELETE.

In the confirmation pop-up, click DELETE.

Preview Message of the Day

You may preview the changes you made to the Message of the Day in the Changeset Manager Admin Screen before the changeset is published.

Once you have updated the MOTD...

  1. navigate to the Changeset Manager,
  2. select the corresponding changeset,
  3. click on the MOTD in the list,
  4. and click VIEW to see a preview of your changes.


A pop-up window will appear to allow you to preview the MOTD as it will appear once the changeset is published.

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