Track Your Submitted Purchase Orders The Tracking screen allows you to view where a purchase order is in the approval process and track the history of changes made to it. Access Tracking Navigate to the Submitted Purchase Orders screen and click on the purchase order you want to track. Then click TRACKING in the preview pane. Alternatively, navigate to the Approvals Needed screen and click on the purchase order you want to track. Then click TRACKING in the preview pane. Tracking The Tracking screen displays all the current steps of the approval routing process and the routing rule or reason for that step. If this view is blank, the purchase order has successfully completed all approval routing. Click SHOW PROJECTED to view the future routing path of the purchase order. Click HIDE PROJECTED to hide the future path. Click a routing step to view complete details about that step. Assigned: The individual or entity assigned by the company to review and approve the purchase order. Based on your firm’s approval guidelines, a purchase order can be assigned to a single individual or an entity (group of individuals). Approved By: The name of the person who approved the purchase order for this step. Step: The routing step for the approval assignment. Routing Status: The routing status for the approval assignment. Approved Status: The approval status for the approval assignment. Rule Description: A brief description of the rule applied at this approval step. Assigned Date: The date this purchase order was assigned to this approver. Completed Date: The date this purchase order was approved or returned by the approver. By: Displays whether approval occurred in the Emburse Enterprise application, by email or via auto-approval. Last Rank: The number of the last approved rule as defined by company-specific routing rules. A “-1” in this field means that the purchase order did not have a last approved rule at that step. Audit History The Audit drop-down menu allows you to track the history of edits to a purchase order's fields. It is accessible from the preview pane on the Draft, Recently Submitted and Approvals Needed lists. 1. Select the desired purchase order in the list, then click the three dots icon and select AUDIT. 2. The pop-up window will display the history of edits to each field of the PO, including date, time and user. 3. You may filter the history display by user, header fields and/or line-item fields by clicking on the USER, HEADER and/or LINE ITEM drop-down menus at the top. The filters may be used individually or in combination. Was this article helpful? Yes No