Edit a Purchase Order Purchase orders may be edited when they are still in Draft status. If your organization has enabled this feature, purchase orders may also be edited after approval by returning them to Draft status. Draft PO 1. Select the desired purchase order in the Draft list and click EDIT in the preview. 2. When you are finished, click SAVE to retain the changes without submitting or returning the PO. Or you may click SUBMIT and choose whether to submit the purchase order for approval or return it to another person in the organization. 3. If you select RETURN, you will be required to select a user or group and enter an explanation for the return. Approved PO If your organization has activated this feature, you may edit an approved purchase order by returning it to Draft status. The PO must have been created inside Chrome River, not via an external source like an API. Once the PO is returned to Draft status, it will be subject to the same rules and routing as any other draft PO. 1. Select the desired purchase order in the Submitted Purchase Orders list and click EDIT. 2. On the pop-up message, click CONFIRM. 3. Navigate to the Draft Purchase Orders list, select the purchase order, and click EDIT. Was this article helpful? Yes No