Adjust and Resubmit Returned Expenses Sometimes an approver will return one or more line items on an expense report to the expense owner during the approval process. The report will reappear in the Returned grid. View Returned Expenses and Notes You may access the Returned grid directly from the Dashboard by clicking on the number of returned expenses. Alternatively, you may access the Returned grid via the left navigation Menu, by clicking RETURNED in the Expense section. Single-click the desired report in the grid to see its preview. View and Reply to Comments You may view and reply to header-level comments directly from the Expense Preview. Header-level comments may also be viewed from within the report. Double-click the desired report in the grid to open it. The returned line item(s) will be highlighted in yellow. Any header-level approver notes that apply to the entire report can be accessed by clicking the Comments link in the header. If the approver left a note on a specific line item, click the blue note icon to read it. You may reply to notes via the box in the Comments section. Click POST to add it to the report. Edit Returned Line Items Only returned line items can be edited. For example, if your expense has four line items and only two are returned, only those two are editable. Click on the returned line item and then click EDIT in the preview. Make the necessary changes to the line item and click SAVE. Delete Returned Line Items Click DELETE in the line-item's preview or inside the line item to remove it from the report Note: Because new line items cannot be added to returned reports, once a line item has been deleted, it cannot be restored. However, itemizations (such as the "child" expenses listed on a "parent" expense like a Hotel line-item) may be added to a returned report, as long as the parent expense is still present. Recall Returned Line Items If your organization takes advantage of Recall Expense Routing, expense owners and their delegates may return any expense report to Draft status as long as none of the line items have been fully approved. For complete details, see Recall an Expense Report to Draft Status. 1. Select the report in the Returned list and click RECALL in the preview. 2. You will be asked to verify that you wish to send the report back to the Draft Expense Reports list. Click YES. Resubmit Returned Line Items When all the changes have been made, click SUBMIT to resubmit the line item(s) for approval. In the Submit Confirmation pop-up window, click SUBMIT. Was this article helpful? Yes No