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Expense Compliance Warnings and Violations

Warnings and violations enforce your organization’s business rules.


A compliance warning indicates that additional information is required before the expense can be submitted for approval and processing. Compliance warnings may be encountered when saving a line item or when submitting an entire expense report for approval.

The number of the business rule that triggered the warning or violation is listed at the top of the message.

Respond by either modifying the data (if there is an error) or replying to the warning.

  • If a reply is required, click "Add response" in the response area under the message to activate a text box where you can enter your reply.
  • Click POSTto update and close the compliance warning message.

Respond to Hotel Line-Item Itemization Warnings in Bulk

If your organization has activated this feature, you may respond to the same warning message on multiple Hotel expense items in bulk. When you respond to the first warning message, a pop-up box will give you the option to post the same response on all the items on that Hotel expense with the same compliance warning.

  • If you select APPLY TO ALL, the response will automatically be applied to all the other items with the same warning.
  • If you select POST RESPONSE, it will be applied only to that itemization.

You will still need to respond to any unique compliance warnings individually.


A compliance violation indicates that the expense cannot be submitted for approval and payment based on the firm policies defined in the system. A compliance violation may be encountered when saving a line item or submitting an entire expense report for approval.

If there is an error within the data provided, the SUBMIT button will be deactivated. You will be required to make any necessary changes before you can submit the expense.

Note: Consult with your finance department for guidelines on handling compliance violations.

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