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View Inquiry Reports on Invoice Activity

The Inquiry Dashboard allows users to create reports and perform quick inquiries on all their activity by category: invoices, approvals and paid invoices.

Note: Not all categories may be available in your company’s configuration of Chrome River. If you are interested in a report that is not displayed, contact your system administrator.

To access inquiry reports, click the MENU button in the upper left corner and then click INQUIRY.

You will see a list of inquiry reports created by your organization to give a snapshot of the activity in each category and allow you to quickly find specific information.

Available Inquiry Reports

My Invoice Approvals Lists submitted invoices that you have approved.
My Paid Invoices List invoices where you (the delegated user) are the Requester of the invoice and the invoice has been fully or partially paid.
My Invoices Lists invoices where you (the delegated user) are the creator or the assigned requester.
Invoice Allocation List of all invoices linked to a particular allocation.

Run Report

Select a report in the list to run it. The results will appear in the pane on the right on larger devices or replace the report list on smaller devices. Drag the slider bar at the bottom to see columns that don't fit on the screen.

Select an invoice in the list of results and the DOWNLOAD PDF button will appear. You may choose to download...

  • Full Report: A detailed summary of the invoice with the cover page QR code used when scanning the original invoice.
  • Full Report with Image: Same as above, plus any images attached to the invoice.

Filter Results

By default, you will see results for the current month. Use the Transaction Date filter in the upper right corner to change the date parameters.

You may also filter the results in any column with the funnel icon. Select the funnel to enter the parameters, then click FILTER.

If there are more than 1,000 results, a pop-up message will ask you to change the filter to narrow the results.

To remove a filter, click the funnel icon again and select CLEAR.

Sort Results

Click any column header to sort results in ascending or descending order. An arrow will indicate the order.

Group Results

You may group results by any column that has the three-dot icon to the left of its header name. Simply drag the header name into the blue bar at the top to re-sort the list.

You may group by as many column headers as you wish, as long as they display the three-dot icon. Use the arrows next to each column header to sort results.

You may also collapse or expand all grouped items on a report to make navigation easier.

My Invoice Approvals Inquiry Report

My Invoice Approvals lists submitted invoices that you have approved.

Select an invoice in the list and click TRACKING.

You will see all the approval routing steps for that invoice.

My Invoices Inquiry Report

The My Invoices Inquiry Report allows you to track approval routing steps just like the My Approvals inquiry report. It also allows you to request a PDF of all images associated with one or more invoices.


2. Enter the IDs of each invoice for which you wish to receive images on separate lines, as shown below. Then click SUBMIT.

IFI - Enter Invoice IDs.png

3. When the request is executed successfully, you will see the Report ID(s) in the success-notification banner.

4. A PDF of images will be emailed to you.

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