Opt In to Invoice Email Notifications Emburse Enterprise users can opt in to firm-specific Emburse Enterprise email notifications. Email notification preferences are set up in the User menu via ACCOUNTSETTINGS. Click NOTIFICATION SETTINGS and check the blue boxes next to the notifications you wish to receive. Invoice Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients eInvoice File Received and Processed "Emburse Enterprise EINVOICE Processing Results for File [Name]" Administrator receives notification when eInvoice file has been received and processed. Administrator eInvoice Mapping Error "eInvoice Mapping Failure Notification" Administrator receives notification when eInvoice mapping fails, including the reason for the failure. Administrator Invoice Approval Assignment Rush "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | ***RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when an invoice has been assigned for his/her approval and is marked as "Rush." Approver Invoice Assignment Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when an invoice has been assigned for his/her approval. Approver Invoice Images Processed "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Confirmation" Invoice creator receives notification when invoice images have been received and attached to the invoice. Creator Invoice Export Notification "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Export" Export requester or configured user receives notification when an invoice has been exported. Export Requester, Configured User Invoice From PDF Email Attachment "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Confirmation" or "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Error" Administrator or configured user receives notification when an invoice has been created, or the email sender receives notification of failure along with requirements for setup. Administrator, Configured User, Email Sender Email Invoice Receipts Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Receipt Error" Invoice creators who fax or email receipts for an invoice receive an email if it is missing a cover page or content. If the unsuccessful images were emailed, the images are returned to the email address of the person who submitted the images. If the unsuccessful images were faxed, the images are NOT emailed. Creator Invoice Approval Return Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | Return | [Vendor Name]" Notification that an invoice has been returned during the approval process; recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner Invoice Approval Return Notify Rush "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | Return | ***RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Notification that an invoice has been returned during the approval process and is marked as "Rush." Recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner Was this article helpful? Yes No