Track Your Submitted Expense Reports Once your report has been submitted, you may track it throughout the approval process. Accessing Tracking Information From the Submitted Expense Reports grid, click on the desired expense to preview it. Then click TRACKING in the preview. On smaller screens, click the expense to open a preview, then click the *** button and select TRACKING from the drop-down list. Viewing Tracking Information You will see a list of every item on the report and its status. For hotel expenses, click the arrow on the left to view the status of each itemized expense. Report Statuses Pending: Expense report has been submitted and is awaiting approval Returned: Approver has sent the expense report back to the expense owner for adjustment Approved: Expense had been approved but has not yet been exported Exported: Approved expense has been sent to payment processing Paid: Expense has been reimbursed Partially Paid: Part of the requested expense amount has been reimbursed Click an item to see where it is in the approval process, including the approver to whom it is currently assigned, the date, and the rule that triggered the assignment. Clicking each Routing Steps circle will show you complete details for that step, including such Payment Data as the Bank ID and check number for paid expenses. Once a report has been exported, you will be able to see the export date and time on the Report Tracking screen. Was this article helpful? Yes No