Add Guest Expenses to a Report Certain expense items, like meals and events, include the option to distinguish between attendees who belong to your organization and those who don’t. If you are already familiar with the Allocations functionality, you will find the Guest Selector functions similarly. The Guest Selector appears at the bottom of the expense entry screen. It automatically adds the expense owner as a guest, eliminating the possibility of counting him or her twice. Internal Guests Internal guests are those who are Emburse Expense Enterprise users at your organization. Emburse Enterprise automatically identifies internal guests who are listed in the InterAction database and adds them to line items automatically. They are distinguishable by a CRM Number. To add non-InterAction internal guests to a line item, click the Guests field to open the Guest Selection pane. Recently selected guests will be listed at the top. As you begin to type a name into the search bar, a list of all guests will appear in the lower half of the screen. Use the scroll bar to navigate through the list, if necessary. Then click the desired name to select it. External Guests External guests are all other types of guests who are not Emburse Enterprise users at your organization. Searching for external guests who are already in the system is the same process described above, with recent guests denoted by a clock icon. Add New Guest If the external guest is not in the system, click + ADD NEW EXTERNAL GUESTS. Multiple fields will appear to capture the new guest's information. Depending on your company's policies, you may not be able to click ADD until information has been entered into every field. Delete External Guest from History You may delete external guests from the guest selector drop-down in order to streamline and shorten the list of potential guests. Simply click the trash can icon next to external guests' names to remove them from the list. Other Guest Types Depending on your organization's configuration, you may see other types of guests in the Guest Selector drop-down menu. These are supplied by an integration with your organization's CRM system and may have different labels than the examples pictured below. Choose the appropriate type to access your organization's list of guest contacts. Guest Loader For large groups of guests, Emburse Enterprise's Guest Loader feature enables users to upload a list of guests directly to the report rather than entering each guest’s information by hand. Note that the uploaded file will replace any guest information already present on the expense. 1. Create a .CSV file containing internal guest names and any external guest names, including titles and companies. For internal guests you only need to list the guest's Emburse Enterprise Login name or the primary email address on the account. Optionally, you may specify an expense amount for each guest. If no amounts are given, the expense line-item amount will be divided evenly among all guests. Do not put commas in the CSV file; this will cause an Invalid File Format error. Click here for a sample .CSV file you can customize. Login Name First Name Last Name Title Company Amount svance 10.00 akram 10.00 Elrod Stooble Partner Dewey Cheatem & Howe 20.00 Hermione Anenome Partner Dewey Cheatem & Howe 20.00 2. Click the UPLOAD CSV button in the Guests area of the expense entry screen and attach the .CSV file. 3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to override any guests already entered on the report. Click UPLOAD. 4. An error message will alert you if the file is invalid or if specific rows need to be corrected. Allocation The system automatically divides the cost equally among each of the guests so that the total amount is 100% allocated. You may manually adjust the per-person percentages or amounts individually to reallocate portions of the expense. The total percentage will be shown in gray at the bottom so you can be sure the adjusted amounts add up to 100%. It is best to do this after all guests have been added, since the amounts will redistribute equally as each new guest is added. It is even possible to allocate a 0.00 amount to one or more guests, as long as the other guests' amounts add up to 100% of the total for that expense. Create Guest Expense from Meeting Invitation You may automatically import guests from business meals and meetings by inviting Emburse Enterprise as an attendee in an ICS calendar application like Gmail or Outlook. Once the actual expense enters Emburse Enterprise, you will be able to merge the Calendar event with the credit card transaction or the receipt to automatically populate guest data. The app will even be able to differentiate between Internal and External guests when creating the expense item, and the expense details will be populated automatically by the receipt or credit card item. 1. Add Emburse Enterprise to the ICS calendar meeting by sending an invitation to the same email address you use to submit receipts. (See Create Expense Items Via Email for more details.) 2. To see the expense automatically created by the calendar invite, navigate to the Offline section of the E-Wallet. 3. After the credit card transaction or receipt for the meal or activity associated with this calendar event has been imported into Emburse Enterprise, merge the two items and add them to your expense report. From inside the expense report, click + to add expenses, then click ALL to view all your eWallet items together. Select the calendar event and the corresponding receipt or credit card transaction, then click the MERGE button. 4. Now select the merged item and click the + button or drag it over to add it to the expense report 5. The line item you have created will open for editing. Scroll down to Guests to see the guest data captured from the calendar event. Emburse Enterprise’s software uses the email addresses of the other attendees to determine whether they are Internal or External guests when adding them to the expense being created. For External guests, Emburse Enterprise will try to extract the first name, last name and company name if the data was provided in the event's metadata. The line item amount is split equally among all guests. In the Downloaded Details section, you may view more extracted data by clicking the arrow on the Calendar Event or Receipt/Credit Card. When you have filled out all the required fields, click SAVE. Sample Guest Loader File.csv178 Bytes Was this article helpful? Yes No