Manage Your Expense-Reimbursement Bank Account Emburse Enterprise’s DIRECT PAY and Wise services will automatically deposit expense-reimbursement payments into your designated bank account. You will need to assign your bank account via the Settings screen. In the upper right corner of the app, click on your user name and then select ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Add a New Bank Account 1. In the Personal Settings section, under Bank Account – Reimbursements, click ADD BANK ACCOUNT. 2. Select the currency in which you wish to be paid from the drop-down. 3. You will need to provide bank account information based on currency that you have selected. For example, if you select USD, the following information will be requested: Description: Choose a name that makes it easy to identify the account into which your payments will be deposited, i.e., “Checking Account.” Recipient Type: Choose whether the account belongs to you as an individual or to a business. For employee reimbursements, this should always be "Individual." Full Name of the Account Holder: This will be automatically populated based on your Emburse Enterprise person record. If the name associated with your bank account is different than the name stored in Emburse Enterprise, you will be able to update it. Routing Number: Enter your bank’s routing/ACH number. The system will automatically validate the number to alert you to data-entry errors. Account Number: Provide the full account number, with no dashes or spaces. Account Type: Choose Checking or Savings Billing Address: Enter the address associated with your bank account. If your organization uses Corpay/Global Exchange for DIRECT PAY payments and you work in the US or Canada, you must enter a physical address—entering a PO box will cause your payments to be rejected. Note that bank account data to be collected for other currencies will differ based on currency. For example, instead of Routing Number and Account Number, the application will ask for: British Pounds (GBP): Sort Code and Account Number Euros (EUR): SWIFT/BIC and IBAN 4. When you have entered all the information correctly, click LINK ACCOUNT. Edit a Bank Account To edit a linked bank account, click the pencil icon to the right of the account information. Enter the desired changes and click SAVE. Delete a Bank Account To remove a linked bank account, click the X to the left of the account information. Payment Timeline If your organization uses Global Reimbursements by Wise, the Payment Data section of the preview pane on your submitted reports will display an estimated date by which you can expect to receive funds. If this information has not been made available by Wise, the preview will display “Please allow up to 5 business days to receive payment.” In the event that payment fails due to invalid banking information, you will be notified of the failed payment via email, and the status under the Tracking Summary will display as "Exported." Once you have corrected your banking information and the report has been re-exported, the report status will be set to Paid. Was this article helpful? Yes No