Available Standard Email Notifications Standard email notifications are automatically generated by the system to notify users immediately whenever certain actions occur. Emburse Enterprise users can opt into or out of firm-specific standard email notifications via the Notification Settings section of their Settings screen. Administrators may control which email notifications appear in users' Notifications Settings list via the Notifications Admin Screen. See Understanding Email Notifications for more on the differences between these standard email notifications and the customizable scheduled report emails. Be sure to add the Emburse Enterprise Mail Server IP address to the gateway so that Emburse Enterprise's emails can be received by your organization. Open a case with the Emburse Enterprise Help Desk to get the correct IP address. Expense Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients Receipt Notify “Emburse Enterprise Receipt Confirmation” Expense owner receives success or failure notification for receipts. Expense Owner Email Receipts Replaced "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Images Replaced" Expense owner, creator, and optional administrator are notified when emailed receipts have replaced existing receipts on the report. Expense Owner, Creator and (optionally) Admin Expense Export Notification "Emburse Enterprise Expense Export" Administrator who initiated export or is signed up for auto export receives email confirmation. Administrator Expense Report Adjustment "Emburse Enterprise Expense Adjusted Items" Expense creator and owner (if different) are notified when an approver makes an adjustment to the expense. Expense Owner and Creator Expense Report Assignment "Emburse Enterprise Expense Approval [Expense Owner Name]" Approver is notified when a report is submitted for approval or routed to the next approver. Approver Expense Report Approval Failed "Expense Report no longer assigned to you" Approver is notified when attempting to take action via an older version of the expense approval email and instructed to review and approve the latest version of the approval email. Approver Expense Report Audit Approval "Emburse Enterprise Audit Approval [Expense Owner Name]" Expense owner is notified when an expense report has been assigned for approval in Audit. Expense Owner Expense Report Audit Approval Return "Emburse Enterprise Audit Approval Return" Expense owner is notified when an expense report has been returned to him/her during the audit process. Expense Owner Expense Report Returned "Emburse Enterprise Expense Returned Items" Expense owners, creators and delegates are notified when an approver returns an expense report. Expense Owner, Creator, All Delegates Paid Expense Feed Notification "Notification of Emburse Enterprise Payment for [Expense Owner Name]" Expense owner receives details of all new payments noted for his/her expenses marked partially or fully paid via the Paid Expense Feed, including report information and check and EFT numbers. Optionally, your organization may choose to add a Payment Details to display how the user has been reimbursed (e.g., direct reimbursement or company credit card). Expense Owner, Creator (optionally), All Delegates (optionally) Receipt Processed "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Images Processed" Expense creator receives email confirmation when a faxed receipt has been processed for his or her report. Creator Receipts Replaced Notification "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Images Replaced" Users who fax or email receipts for a submitted expense report receive an email that receipt images were replaced or that errors occurred (e.g., missing cover pages, missing content, expense report not found in the system). Creator Pre-Approval Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients Pre-Approval Approval Complete "Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval Request Approved" Pre-Approval expense owner and, if applicable, creator receive a notification when a Pre-Approval Request has been approved by all assigned approvers. Expense Owner, Creator Pre-Approval Approval Notify "Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval Request [Creator Name]" Approver receives notification when a Pre-Approval Request has been assigned to him or her for approval. Approver Pre-Approval Return Return "Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval Request Returned" Pre-Approval expense owner and, if applicable, creator receive a notification when a Pre-Approval Request has been returned. Expense Owner, Creator Invoice Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients eInvoice File Received and Processed "Emburse Enterprise EINVOICE Processing Results for File [Name]" Administrator receives notification when eInvoice file has been received and processed. Administrator eInvoice Mapping Error "eInvoice Mapping Failure Notification" Administrator receives notification when eInvoice mapping fails, including the reason for the failure. Administrator Invoice Approval Assignment Rush "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | ***RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when an invoice has been assigned for his/her approval and is marked as "Rush." Approver Invoice Assignment Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when an invoice has been assigned for his/her approval. Approver Invoice Images Processed "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Confirmation" Invoice creator receives notification when invoice images have been received and attached to the invoice. Creator Invoice Export Notification "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Export" Export requester or configured user receives notification when an invoice has been exported. Export Requester, Configured User Invoice From PDF Email Attachment "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Confirmation" or "Emburse Enterprise Receipt Error" Administrator or configured user receives notification when an invoice has been created, or the email sender receives notification of failure along with requirements for setup. Administrator, Configured User, Email Sender Email Invoice Receipts Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Receipt Error" Invoice creators who fax or email receipts for an invoice receive an email if it is missing a cover page or content. If the unsuccessful images were emailed, the images are returned to the email address of the person who submitted the images. If the unsuccessful images were faxed, the images are NOT emailed. Creator Invoice Approval Return Notify "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | Return | [Vendor Name]" Notification that an invoice has been returned during the approval process; recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner Invoice Approval Return Notify Rush "Emburse Enterprise Invoice Approval | Return | ***RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Notification that an invoice has been returned during the approval process and is marked as "Rush." Recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner Purchase Order Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients PO Assignment Notify Normal "Emburse Enterprise PoRequest Approval | [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when a purchase order has been assigned for his/her approval. If the creator is different from the requester, the requester also receives a notification that the purchase order has been assigned. Approver, Requester PO Assignment Notify Rush "Emburse Enterprise PoRequest Approval | *** RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Approver receives notification when a purchase order has been assigned for his/her approval and is marked "Rush." Approver PO Approved Notify "Emburse Enterprise Purchase Order Fully Approved [PO Number]" Creator and everyone in the approval chain are notified when a purchase order has been fully approved. A PDF of the PO Report is attached to the notification email. Creator, Requester, Approval Group Members PO Return Notify Normal "Emburse Enterprise PoRequest Approval |[Vendor Name]" Notification that a purchase order has been returned during the approval process; recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner PO Return Notify Normal PO Return Notify Rush "Emburse Enterprise PoRequest Approval | *** RUSH*** [Vendor Name]" Notification that a purchase order has been returned during the approval process and is marked as "Rush." Recipients are determined by the user who initiates the return. Determined by Returner PO Vendor Notify "Purchase Order Fully Approved Notification" Vendor receives notification when a purchase order has been fully approved. The email is sent to the vendor address email in the master data record. Additional subscribers are cc'ed on the email sent to the vendor. Vendor Other Email Notifications Name Subject Line Description Recipients Approval Response "Emburse Enterprise [Expense/Invoice/Pre-Approval/Purchase Order] Approval Response" Notification that an expense, pre-approval, invoice or purchase order is no longer assigned to the user for approval. Approver Batch File Error "BatchFtpDownload issues" or "Emburse Enterprise FTP Error" or similar Generated when an issue occurs with an FTP file. If your organization has designated a person to receive these notifications, he or she will receive a Help Desk ticket or an email similar to this: Administrator DIRECT PAY Adjusted Account "Emburse Enterprise Adjusted Bank Account" Bank account owner receives update when bank account has changed. Bank Account Owner DIRECT PAY Confirmation "Emburse Enterprise Direct Pay Confirmation" Administrator and payment executor receive a payment confirmation email with details of the payment batch executed through Direct Pay. Administrator, Payment Executor DIRECT PAY Missing Customer Bank Account "Multiple bank accounts configured without any rules defined" Administrator is notified when there are multiple bank accounts with the same currency and no rules are set up to identify which bank account to use. Administrator DIRECT PAY Omitted Items "Direct Pay Export Items" Administrator is notified when payments are not included in a scheduled DIRECT PAY export due to missing data, such as incomplete credit card information. Administrator DIRECT PAY Return Notification "DIRECT PAY Return Notification" Administrator is notified when and why a DIRECT PAY payment has been rejected. Duplicate Matter Filter Feed Emburse Enterprise Matter Filter Feed Error Administrator receives a notification when a duplicate MatterFilters feed file is processed in order to alert them to any potential processing issues. Administrator Duplicate Paid Expense Feed Emburse Enterprise Paid Expense Feed Error Administrator receives a notification when a duplicate Paid Expense feed file is processed in order to alert them to any potential process issues. Administrator Email Delegates Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Delegates Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Delegates feed. Administrator Email Matter Feed Notify "Emburse Enterprise Matter Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or error notifications after the Matter feed runs. Administrator Email Not Found "Emburse Enterprise [Expense/Invoice/Pre-Approval/PO] Approval" Approvers who reply to an expense, pre-approval, invoice or purchase order routing notification from an incorrect or invalid email address receive an email that their message could not be processed. Approver Email Paid Invoice Feed Notify "Emburse Enterprise Paid Invoice Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Paid Invoice feed. Administrator Entity Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Entity Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes an Entity feed. Administrator Entity Type Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Entity Type Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes an Entity Type feed. Administrator Forgot Password "Emburse Enterprise Expense Forgot Password" Users who select "Forgot Password" on the login screen receive an email reminder of their forgotten password. User Forgot User ID "Emburse Enterprise Expense Forgot Username" Users who select "Forgot User ID" on the login screen receive an email reminder of their user name and company ID. User Matter Feed "Emburse Enterprise Matter Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or error notifications after Emburse Enterprise processes a Matter feed. Administrator Matter Filter Feed "Emburse Enterprise Matter Filter Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or error notifications after Emburse Enterprise processes a Matter Filter feed. Administrator MatterOnSelect Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise MatterOnSelect Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a MatterOnSelect feed. Administrator Missing Report ID/Invoice ID or Subject Line "Emburse Enterprise [Expense/Pre-Approval/Invoice/Purchase Order] Approval" The approver of an expense, pre-approval, invoice or purchase order is notified that the approval email did not contain a subject line or Report ID. Approver Paid Expense Feed Notify "Emburse Enterprise Paid Expense Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Paid Expense feed. (Note that this notification must be turned on or off by Emburse Enterprise.) Administrator Person Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Person Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Person feed. Administrator Prior Invoices Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Prior Invoices Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Prior Invoices feed. Administrator Transactions Feed Notification "Emburse Enterprise Transactions Feed Confirmation" Administrator receives email confirmation or an error notification after Emburse Enterprise processes a Transaction feed. Administrator Emburse Card or Amex Small Business Card Program Disconnect Notification "Card Program Disconnect Notification" Administrator receives email notification if their Emburse Card or Amex Small Business card program becomes disconnected from Emburse Enterprise. Administrator Scheduled Reports Certain email notifications are classified as Scheduled Reports, although they may also be run manually. For complete details, see Report Scheduler Admin Screen. Was this article helpful? Yes No