Understanding Email Notifications

Emburse Enterprise offers two different ways to communicate with users via email: standard email notifications and scheduled report emails. There are different advantages and use cases for each method.

Standard Email Notifications

Standard email notifications are automatically generated by the system to notify users immediately whenever certain actions occur. 

  • Examples: Your receipt has been successfully uploaded or an invoice has been assigned to you for approval.

A complete list can be found in Available Standard Email Notifications.

Users must opt-in to email notifications via the Notification Settings section of their Settings screen.

The only way admins may control email notifications is to decide which ones appear in users' Notifications Settings section via the Notifications Admin Screen and to add or remove additional subscribers for each notification.

UEN - Standard Notifications Admin.png

Scheduled Report Emails

Scheduled report emails allow your organization to customize an email notification beyond what is available in the standard set of email notifications. By customizing scheduled reports, admins may gather and filter data, then notify just the affected users via email. 

  • Examples: These 25 users have firm-paid credit card items that have not yet been used or this approver has three invoices that have been awaiting approval for more than 72 hours.

A complete list of the reports that may be used to schedule emails can be found in Available Scheduled Reports.

The Report Scheduler screen allows admins to view, edit, and add schedules for reports; add more reports; edit the list of users/groups who receive each report via email; and generate a scheduled report (and its email) immediately. This is also where they may add a custom link to the Emburse Enterprise application to scheduled report HTML emails.

See Report Scheduler Admin Screen for complete details.

UEN - Report Scheduler Admin.png

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