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Available Scheduled Reports

Scheduled reports allow your organization to customize an email notification beyond what is available in the standard set of email notifications. By customizing scheduled reports, admins may gather and filter data, then notify just the affected users via email. 

Listed below are all the reports available for scheduling, including descriptions, examples and available filters. Although many of the filters may be edited, those marked “leave as is” below should not be changed.

Person Selector filters apply only to manually generated reports, not automated scheduled reports.

For complete details on scheduling one or more of these reports, see Report Scheduler Admin Screen.

For instructions on adding a custom link to the Emburse Enterprise application in HTML Scheduled Report reminders, see "Add Custom Link to Scheduled Report Emails" in Report Scheduler Admin Screen.

Approval Reminder (Expense)

Emburse Enterprise re-sends the original approval email as a reminder to any approvers who have pending items in their Approval queue.


  • Item Age (in hours)

Person Selector Filters:

  • Approver
  • Expense Owner


Re-send the Expense Approval email on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have had expenses waiting for their approval for more than 48 hours.

Expense Report Status Notification

Alerts expense owners and, optionally, creators when the approval status of a report changes, eliminating the need to log into the Emburse Enterprise application to check on submitted reports. The subject of the new notification is “Report Status Notification,” and it will contain all line items if a status change has occurred on at least one of them. Line items will be displayed in groups based on status (Returned, Pending, Approved).


  • Include Expense Creator
  • Item Age (in hours)

Person Selector Filters:

  • Expense Owner


Send the Report Status Notification any time a status change has occurred on at least one line item within the last 24 hours.

Invoice Approval Reminder 

Emburse Invoice Enterprise re-sends the original approval email as a reminder to any approvers who have pending items in their Approval queue.


  • Item Age (in hours)


Re-send the Invoice Approval email on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have had invoices waiting for their approval for more than 48 hours.

PO Approval Reminder 

Re-sends the Purchase Order Pending Approval email to assigned users.


  • Item Age (in hours)


Re-send the PO Approval email on Mondays at 10:00 AM PDT to everyone assigned.

Pre-Approval - Approval Reminder

All assigned approvers are re-sent the original Pre-Approval Approval email.


  • Item Age (in hours)

Person Selector Filters:

  • Approver
  • Expense Owner


Re-send the Pre-Approval Approval email on Mondays at 10:00 AM PDT to everyone assigned.

Pre-Approval Unapproved Items Reminder

Approver receives an email reminding him or her of pre-approval requests older than a certain period and allowing approver to accept or return via email.


  • Item Age (in hours)

Person Selector Filters:

  • Approver
  • Expense Owner


Re-send the Pre-Approval Approval email on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have had expenses waiting for their approval for more than 48 hours.

Unapproved Invoices

Approver receives a list of unapproved invoices older than the specified time period.


  • Item Age (in hours)
  • Max Item Age (in hours) = -1 to send invoices that have been waiting for more than 48 hours or, if > -1, to send invoices that are older than 48 hours but less than this number (e.g., between 48-600).

Person Selector Filters:

  • Approver


Send an Unapproved Invoices reminder on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have had invoices waiting for their approval for more than 72 hours.

Unapproved Items (Expense)

Notifies approvers of expense items that have remained unapproved beyond the specified time period.


  • Item Age (in hours)
  • Max Item Age (in hours) = -1 if you want all reports that have been waiting longer than NumHours or 1 if you want items that have been waiting between 0 and NumHours.

Person Selector Filters:

  • Approver


Send an Unapproved Items reminder on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have had expenses waiting for their approval for more than 72 hours, including a list of all expense reports waiting for their approval.

Unsubmitted Reports (Expense)

Expense owners and creators (i.e., the delegate who created the report) receive a reminder for expense reports that have been in My Unsubmitted Reports beyond the specified time period.


  • Item Age (in hours)
  • Max Item Age (in hours) = 1 (leave as is)


Send an Unsubmitted Reports reminder on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have reports that have been unsubmitted for more than 72 hours.

Unused Firm Paid Items (Expense)

Notifies expense owners that they have firm-paid credit card items that still require action. These items may be expenses in the eWallet, on draft reports or on other unsubmitted reports, including returned reports. 


  • Item Age (in hours)
  • Send Every X Days = Yes (leave as is)
  • Firm Paid Items Only = Yes (leave as is)

Person Selector Filters:

  • Expense Owner


Send an Unused Firm Paid Items reminder on Mondays at 8:00 AM PDT to users who have firm paid or company paid items that have been unused for more than 72 hours.

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