Add Per Diem to Pre-Approval Requests Your organization may choose to add Emburse Enterprise’s standard Per Diem Expense Wizard to the Pre-Approval Entry screen. The wizard makes it easy to add per diem amounts to pre-approval requests by automatically calculating them based on dates and location. Per Diem Expense Wizard 1. On the Add Pre-Approval Types screen, click PER DIEM WIZARD. 2. Enter the Start Date and End Date. The number of days will be calculated automatically. 3. Select the location. Your company may have chosen to offer just In-State and Out-of-State rates rather than specific rates for each city. 4. When you have entered all required details, click ADD ENTRIES. 5. On the Itemized Entries screen you may select deductibles or add more entries. When you are done, click ADD TO REPORT. Was this article helpful? Yes No