Release Notes: March 22, 2023 Note: We may roll out certain changes iteratively through our customer base. As a result, you may experience a few days’ delay (no more than one week) before you see new functionality in your Production environment. Upcoming Change HELP CENTER Chrome River Help Center Redesign On the Way We're working on a redesign for our Help Center with the goal of empowering you to quickly and easily find the answers you need to be successful using Chrome River. We expect that the new and improved Help Center will be available for you in June. Thank you to the Chrome River Administrators who spoke to us as part of our research to inform this redesign. We're excited to keep the things that you all love about our Help Center and to bring your insights and feedback to life! New Features Available INVOICE & PURCHASE ORDER Apply and Adjust Discount Terms on Invoices and Purchase Orders Customers whose vendors offer discounts for early payment may now apply these terms to invoices and purchase orders directly on the Invoice header and PO header. Additionally, customers who use Emburse Pay may deduct the discounts when payments are made. The new Discount Amount, Discount Terms, and Discount Date fields on invoices and POs will reflect the default terms set in the Vendor Address record. Users may override the default terms directly on the Invoice Header and PO Header or add discount terms when a Vendor Address has no default terms. When a PO with discounted terms is converted to an invoice, the calculated discount amount will carry over to the invoice. Note that discounts will not display on the Invoice PDF or XML. For customers who use Emburse Pay, the calculated discount amount will appear on the Ready to Pay and Payment Summary screens, and users may choose whether to apply the terms for a discount on the Payment Summary screen. If you are interested in taking advantage of this enhancement, please submit a case via the Chrome River Help Desk. Create and Maintain Posting Periods via Admin Screen It is now possible to create, modify, and export posting periods for invoices via the new Posting Period admin screen. Customers who activate this feature will see a new Posting Period field on the invoice header and may choose to modify the value, if necessary. If you are interested in taking advantage of this enhancement, please submit a case via the Chrome River Help Desk. Mark Invoice Approval Emails as “Confidential” In Outlook Customers may now choose to have invoice approval emails marked as “Confidential” when they are received in Microsoft Outlook. This prevents non-approvers who share the same inbox from viewing and approving invoices. To activate this feature, an admin may navigate to CONFIGURATION > CUSTOMER PREFERENCES > INVOICE and click EDIT. Check the box next to “Confidential Invoice Approval Emails” and click SAVE. Add PO Line-Item Unit Price Tolerances Customers may now specify tolerances to control how and when purchase order line items are copied to invoices when unit prices or quantities on invoices are slightly different than those values on the Purchase Order. Tolerances may be specified as either percentages or absolute values. This enhancement will reduce the number of manual approvals required when there are minor discrepancies between the unit prices and quantities on an invoice when compared to the original PO. If you are interested in taking advantage of this enhancement, please submit a case via the Chrome River Help Desk. INVOICE MANAGEMENT Display Inactive Vendors in Search Customers may now choose to display inactive vendors in the Invoice Management Advanced Search Vendor Selector. Inactive vendors will be indicated on the Status line under the vendor ID. To activate this feature, an admin may navigate to CONFIGURATION > CUSTOMER PREFERENCES > INVOICE and click EDIT. Check the box next to “Include Inactive Vendors in Invoice Management” and click SAVE. DATA FEEDS Compare Paid Amount to Original Invoice Amount in Paid Invoice Feed Customers who pay invoices in a foreign currency may now request to have the Paid Invoice data feed mark invoices as Paid based on the original currency of the invoice (Amount Spent) rather than the converted currency (Amount Converted). This will prevent these invoices from erroneously being marked as Partially Paid, due to the conversion. If you are interested in taking advantage of this enhancement, please submit a case via the Chrome River Help Desk. Enhancements INVOICE MANAGEMENT Enhanced Display of Values on Invoice Audit Screen We have enhanced the Invoice Audit Screen to display recognizable values for such data as Invoice Vendor ID, Invoice Vendor Address, Matter, and Check Request Person rather than the ID numbers automatically generated by the system. For example, users will now see the name of the Invoice Vendor rather than the vendor’s ID number. EMBURSE ANALYTICS Updates to Amount and Currency Code Labels in Emburse Analytics On April 1, we will update the Amount and Currency field labels to create consistency across all reports. See the March 23, 2023 release notes in the Emburse Analytics help center for a complete list of labels that are changing. EMBURSE ANALYTICS PRO New Expense Approval Audit Dashboard for Chrome River Chrome River recently introduced the ability to allow approvers to adjust the expense types of line items when approving expenses. Emburse Analytics Pro users may use the new Expense Approval Audit Dashboard to learn who has made changes during the approval process, when they were made, what was changed, and how changes trend over time. ADMIN New “Show Pending Only” Checkbox for Pre-Approval Tracking Search Based on feedback from the Chrome River Help Desk’s Solution Suggestion customer program, admins may now filter searches on the Pre-Approval Tracking admin screen to display only pre-approvals with a Pending status (i.e., submitted but not fully approved). View Rules That Default Field Values Based on Relationship Attributes via UI Rules Admin Administrators may now use the UI Rules admin screen to view details about Chrome River EXPENSE and INVOICE user-interface rules that default values defined within relationship attributes for such fields as UDAs. Although this screen does not yet support editing of UI rules, it gives admins a clear picture of how adding or removing UI rules via the Forms admin screen affects the behavior of your organization’s forms. View Default Allocations and OnSelect UI Rules for Invoice via Admin Screen Administrators may now use the UI Rules admin screen to view details about user-interface rules that default the allocation and on-selects for invoices and purchase orders. Was this article helpful? Yes No