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Tax Locations Admin Screen

The Tax Locations screen allows admins to view and manage sets of locations where company policy allows for tax claims. This enables a user to claim tax in countries other than the one associated with his or her profile. Tax locations usually appear in a Location drop-down menu in the Expense Entry screen.


Click on a tax location set in the list to view its details and associated locations.

Edit Sort Order or Delete Tax Locations

Tax location sets and the countries within them can be created and deleted but not edited. Only the order in which countries appear may be edited.

  • To delete a tax location, select it in the list and click DELETE. This will remove all the countries for that tax location. Note that the Emburse Enterprise's default Standard Location Type may not be deleted. Only tax location sets created by admins of your company may be deleted.
  • To delete a country, click the trash icon next to the country name.
  • By default, countries will be listed in ascending alphabetical order in the Location drop-down menu in the Expense Entry screen. However, you may choose the sort order number for each country to manually sort the drop-down list on the Expense Entry screen. Click the pencil icon and change the sort order number.

Create a New Tax Location Set

Click the plus button to the right of "Tax Locations." Enter the Name, Code and a description, if desired, and click SAVE.

To add countries to the new tax location set, click the plus button.

Begin typing the name of the desired country into the Country search box to find it in the list.

By default, countries will be listed in ascending alphabetical order in the Location drop-down menu in the Expense Entry screen. However, you may choose the sort order number for each country to manually sort the drop-down list on the Expense Entry screen. Then click SAVE.

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