Manually Format eInvoice Data If your suppliers provide you with an electronic invoice data file that cannot be automatically formatted via a template created in the mapping tool, this data must be reformatted manually and saved as a file before it can be processed by Emburse Enterprise. Guidelines The data from each line item should have its own row in the text file. The first row of the text file should include a pipe-delimited list of the column names There should be a pipe character ('|') between all columns. The last column should have a pipe after it. Full details can be found on the Batch eInvoice tab of Emburse Enterprise's Data Feed Specifications & FAQ document. Sample Template If desired, you can download the following template to concatenate supplier data, then copy and paste the data into a text file. Note: Internet Explorer users must right-click on the link, select SAVE TARGET AS... and add the extension ".xls" to the file name in order to view the template. eInvoice Data Feed Template.xls 1. Enter such supplier header data as CustomerCode, VendorUniqueID, LineItemNumber in the appropriate cells under the green columns. Required columns are marked Yes. 2. Enter the line-item data in the cells under the blue columns. Each line item should have its own row. For invoices with multiple line items, copy and paste the same header data into the cells below the green columns for every line item. 3. Enter such supplier header data as CustomerCode, VendorUniqueID, LineItemNumber in the appropriate cells under the green columns. 4. Column AZ will automatically concatenate each line item's data for you into one long string in the appropriate format. Copy the contents of Column AZ for every line item and paste it into the text file below the first row. Uploading eInvoice Data Once you have created the text file, you will need to zip it up into a ZIP file, following the guidelines on the Batch eInvoice tab of the Data Feed Specifications & FAQ document. Submit the ZIP file to your customer FTP site at the Files level, following the instructions in the "File Transfer" section of the File Specs tab of the Data Feed Specifications. Attaching Images You may attach images to your eInvoices by including PDFs of no more than 10 MB each in the ZIP file you upload. 1. In the text file's PDFFilename column, insert the name of the PDF file (e.g., InvoiceImage.pdf) that corresponds to each invoice. 2. Include the PDF file(s) along with the text file in the ZIP file you create to upload to Emburse Enterprise. The image will be automatically added to the invoice record when it is successfully created. Alternatively, you may add images to the invoice record after it has been created, just as you would with any other invoice record. eInvoice Data Feed Template.xlsx20 KB Was this article helpful? Yes No