Create Invoices via Batch eInvoice Data Feed Emburse Enterprise's eInvoice functionality makes it easy to create invoice records within Emburse Invoice Enterprise by importing a feed of invoice data. It also allows you to capture both supplier-provided data and additional invoice information that your organization can leverage for internal uses like spend management and client billing. Additionally, Emburse Enterprise provides an eInvoice mapping tool to assist you in creating templates that format the electronic invoice data submitted to you by a supplier into a format that Emburse Enterprise’s eInvoice functionality can read, and then process that data. This method is ideal for organizations whose suppliers send them a large number of invoices or invoices with a large number of line items—or both. Automatically Formatting Data Via the eInvoice Mapping Tool The eInvoice mapping tool allows you to create templates that convert incoming supplier eInvoice data files from many proprietary text/date file formats into one that you can use to create eInvoices. You can create different templates for each supplier and use them over and over. Once a template has been created, that supplier's eInvoice files can be systematically imported and processed in Emburse Invoice Enterprise directly from their native format. The configurable eInvoice business rules that subsequently run when eInvoice data files are processed provide virtually unlimited flexibility in validating data and/or populating data, allowing you to create invoice records that contain both supplier-provided data and data required by your organization. Emburse Enterprise's existing line-item compliance- and routing-rule process is integrated within eInvoice, ensuring that the resulting eInvoice records are highlighted for any compliance issues and routed based on invoice-specific conditions for either exception or approval processes. For complete details on creating these templates and submitting the data, see Automatically Format eInvoice Data via Mapping Templates. Manually Formatting eInvoice Data If your suppliers provide you with an electronic invoice data file that cannot be formatted via a template created in the eInvoice Mapping Tool, this data must be reformatted manually and saved as a file before it can be processed by Emburse Enterprise. For complete details, see Manually Format eInvoice Data. Configuring eInvoice Business Rules Now that you have a template, you will need to work with Emburse Enterprise's support team to configure the business rules that fire once an eInvoice data file is submitted. Open a case in the Emburse Enterprise Help Desk and attach a sample data file. A team member will work with you to create the rules necessary to capture the desired invoice data. eInvoice Approval Invoices submitted via eInvoice follow the same approval steps as those entered into Emburse Enterprise manually. However, organizations that usually route invoices based on line-item attributes may wish to modify their rules to route eInvoices by a header attribute instead. This is due to the potential complications of routing an invoice with numerous line-items to a matching number of individual approvers. Automatically Link eInvoices with Purchase Orders For customers who take advantage of our eInvoice feature, certain purchase order data can now be automatically copied into invoices created via eInvoice. The resulting invoice will contain the PO’s header information and allocations, but the Invoice Line Quantity, Unit Price, and Line Amount will be copied from the eInvoice. Note that eInvoices must have a VendorItemID on each line item in order for the system to locate the matching PO. If you are interested in activating this enhancement, please open a case in the Emburse Enterprise Help Desk. Was this article helpful? Yes No