Release Notes: May 3, 2023

Note: We may roll out certain changes iteratively through our customer base. As a result, you may experience a few days’ delay (no more than one week) before you see new functionality in your Production environment.

Upcoming Change


Emburse Enterprise Help Center Redesign Coming Soon
This spring, the Customer Education Team spoke to a number of Emburse Enterprise Administrators to learn what you love about our Help Center and what opportunities we have for improvement. As a result of those conversations, we’re hard at work redesigning the Emburse Enterprise Help Center.

The new Help Center will have all of the awesome help content you’re used to with more intuitive article naming, new search filtering capabilities, and an improved article page design. We expect that the new Help Center will be available in early June—we can’t wait for you to see it!

Please Note: We will be delivering Emburse Enterprise Release Notes in a PDF format while we’re in the process of upgrading the Help Center. We’ll go back to providing Release Notes in the Help Center when we launch the new design.

New Feature Available


Introducing American Express Small Business Card Integration via New Card Programs Connector Admin Screen
Customers who have a US-based Amex Small Business card program may now connect it to Emburse Enterprise directly via the new Card Programs administration screen. The screen allows administrators to view a list of all Emburse Gateway-connected card programs and all their associated credit cards. The system attempts to match and assign a Emburse Enterprise user to each credit card based on information provided by Amex, but admins may use the Cards Program screen to manually assign or reassign cards to users. If your organization is interested in taking advantage of this feature, please submit a case via the Emburse Enterprise Help Desk.




Deleted-Report Status and Filtering on Expense Management Dashboard

Emburse Enterprise’s Expense Management screen now displays the status of deleted reports and allows users to filter for reports with a deleted status, making it easier for review teams to identify reports that have been recalled and deleted.



Sessions Extended for Emburse Enterprise Mobile App
Based on customer feedback, users of the Emburse Enterprise mobile app now will remain logged in for 30 days. If they use the app after logging in within that time frame, their session will be extended another 30 days each time they use the app, for up to 90 days total. If the app remains idle for 15 minutes, users will need to unlock it via their devices’ PIN or biometrics, but they will not be required to log back in.

Note: This update does not apply to IDP-initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) logins, which have a session length based on your organization’s preferences for the mobile app. For more information, see the “Enable Device Security for Login” section of the Download & Log In to the Chrome RIver Mobile App topic in the Emburse Enterprise Help Center.

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