Use a Personal Credit Card with Chrome River In addition to linking to the major corporate credit card providers, Chrome River can access numerous financial institutions to automatically import expense transactions from your personal credit cards. Linking a personal credit card to Chrome River EXPENSE streamlines expense entry, increases accuracy, and helps prevent you from forgetting to file expenses. Finicity, a leading provider of secure online personal financial management services, is the financial data aggregator that powers the personal credit card feature of Chrome River. Once your organization has activated the Chrome River Personal Credit Card service, Finicity's secure servers will access and maintain your personal credit card information. Only your expense transactions are transferred directly to Chrome River via your unique ID, and no personal identification or credit card details are maintained within Chrome River, further enhancing security. The monthly subscription charge for this feature is billed directly to your organization. Add a Personal Credit Card 1. Click your name in the top right corner of the app, then click ACCOUNT SETTINGS. 2. Click PERSONAL SETTINGS, then scroll down to Credit Cards. Click ADD PERSONAL CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT. 3. Use the search box to find your credit card issuer, or click one of the popular banks. 4. Click IMPORT PERSONAL CARD TRANSACTIONS. 5. Click CONTINUE TO FINICITY. 6. The gateway will open in a new tab. Click NEXT. 7. Begin typing the name of your financial institution in the search box, then click to select it. 8. Click NEXT to log in to your financial institution. 9. Enter the same log-in credentials you use to access your credit card account on the financial institution's website, then click SUBMIT. Note: None of this information is stored in Chrome River EXPENSE. It is only used to verify online that you have access to the financial account. 10. Check the box to select the credit card issued by that bank which you want to add, then click SAVE. 11. Review the account you connected and, if it is correct, click SUBMIT. It is not recommended to add more than one account at a time. To add a new account, complete this setup and then return to Step 2. 12. The browser window will close. Back in Chrome River, verify the account being added on the Cards Gateway screen. If everything is correct, click CONFIRM. 13. On the Enrollment Successful message, click CLOSE. 14. The card will now appear in the Credit Cards list in your Settings with a status of "Active." 15. To view transactions from the personal credit card(s) associated with your account, navigate to the eWallet and click PERSONAL ACCOUNT. Note: Transactions are pulled periodically throughout the day. There may be a delay between connecting your card and transactions appearing in the eWallet. Reauthorize Disconnected Credit Card If the system encounters a problem connecting to your bank—e.g., if you changed your user name or password on the bank's website—you will receive a "Personal Credit Card Disconnect Notification" email asking you to update your credentials. You will also see a "Disconnected" label in the Status column on the Settings screen. 1. Click the three dots and select RE-AUTHORIZE. 2. Follow the instructions under Add a Personal Credit Card, above, starting with Step 3. Delete Credit Card To delete a credit card from your Chrome River account, click the three dots next to the card and select REMOVE. On the confirmation pop-up, click REMOVE. Was this article helpful? Yes No