Add Credit Card Items to an Expense Report In addition to the Recycle Bin, your eWallet contains all the credit card items that have been automatically imported into Emburse Enterprise for you. It may take up to 3 business days for transactions to appear in Emburse Enterprise. Be sure to wait for the credit card transaction to appear in your Emburse Enterprise eWallet before creating a credit card expense. If you submit an expense with just the receipt before the transaction appears in Emburse Enterprise, you are requesting a cash reimbursement instead. You can access your eWallet credit card items by creating a new expense or opening a draft expense. Click the + BUTTON and then click CREDIT CARD to see your items. A green dot next to an expense category in the eWallet indicates that there are unused items available. Note that credit card items may only be added to reports that are in the same currency as the posted expense. For example, if the original currency of the expense is EUR but it posts to the credit card in USD, that transaction may only be added to an expense report with a Pay Me amount in USD. Drag to Add an Item Users of wide-screen mobile devices may drag eWallet credit card items onto a report to create a new line item. If your device is too narrow to display the eWallet next to the report, see Add Multiple Items, below. Click on the item you wish to add and drag it to the narrow "Create New Line Item" drop zone that appears over the report header area. If you drag the item anywhere else, it will not attach to the report. The Line-Item Entry screen will appear on the right and any attached receipt images will appear in the viewer on the left. Check the pre-populated line-item details, make any necessary additions or changes, and click SAVE. If your report already has line items on it, you may choose between attaching the credit card item to an existing line item or dragging it to the "Create New Line Item" drop zone. Add Multiple Items 1. To add multiple credit card items to your report, or to add a single item if your device's screen is too narrow to drag items, click the check box above the amount of the desired credit card item(s). 2. Next, click the blue + BUTTON in the upper right-hand corner to attach the item(s) to the report. 3. The radio button below the + BUTTON will display how many items have been selected. Clicking the radio button will change it to a check box. This will add all the credit card items to your report when you click the + BUTTON. 4. A new expense-entry window will open for each item, with the date and amount populated. Check the pre-populated line-item details, make any necessary additions or changes, and click SAVE. If your report already has line items on it, you may choose between attaching the credit card item to an existing line item or dragging it to the "Create New Line Item" drop zone. Bulk-Add Large Numbers of Items If your organization has activated the Multi-Add functionality, you may bulk-add numerous credit card items and only be required to fill out the Expense Entry screen once. After you have clicked the check boxes for every credit card item you wish to add to the report and clicked ADD, you will see a Expense Entry check box on the expense-entry screen. Click the box to apply the data you entered in the Expense Entry screen to all the credit card items you checked. This feature only works if all the items you selected are of the same type (in this case, Credit Card). Sort and Edit Items You can sort the items in the Credit Card list by clicking SORT in the upper left-hand corner of the list and selecting a sort criterion from the drop-down list. Choices include sorting by date, amount spent, expense type, transaction source and merchant. Click the arrow next to the name of the merchant to display more details about the item. If necessary, you can change the expense type of the credit card item by clicking its expense type tile and selecting a new expense type. Delete Items Users with appropriate permissions may delete credit card items. Deleting a credit card item from a draft expense report will return it to the eWallet. Selecting a credit card item in the eWallet and clicking the TRASH button will send it to your recycle bin rather than deleting it permanently. For more information, see Delete and Restore Items in the Recycle Bin. Was this article helpful? Yes No