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Invoice Image-Capture Specifications and Troubleshooting

Chrome River gives users multiple options for attaching images to an invoice. Users can submit invoice images directly from the application or by email or fax. Each image file must meet the following requirements.

Attaching Images via Chrome River INVOICE

The Chrome River application allows users to upload invoice images in JPG, PNG and PDF format. The maximum size for a single upload is 10 MB. If you wish to add a PDF greater than 10 MB, either split it into sections or send it via email or fax. The total size of all images attached to a single invoice must be 100 MB or less.

For complete details on uploading images via the Chrome River application, see Add Images to Invoices.

Attaching Images for OCR VISION

  • Users may upload or email invoice images in JPG, PNG and PDF format.
  • The maximum size for a single attachment is 10 MB.
  • Emails may contain multiple attachments, up to 100 MB.
  • Only the first four pages of the attachment will have data extracted via OCR, but all pages will be attached.
  • Password-protected PDFs cannot be processed.

Attaching Images by Fax or Email

Users also have the option to attach invoice images by fax or email, which allows you to bypass the file-size limitation on images uploaded through the application. It is also the only way to submit images as TIFF files. The Chrome River cover page with unique report QR code must be included as the first page, in front of the image.

Users may submit images for multiple invoices simultaneously by placing the Chrome River cover page for each invoice at the start of its corresponding invoice image packet, like this: Cover Page A, Image A, Cover Page B, Image B, etc.

Complete information on uploading images by fax/email can be found in Add Images to Invoices.


Submission Fails

Faxed/emailed images trigger a confirmation email that reports the success or failure of the submission. If the submission fails, the email will list the reason—for example, no cover page or illegible QR code.

Attachment Fails

Occasionally, an invoice image will not attach properly. If this occurs, the application will return the file by email to either the submitter or the firm administrator. If the file is larger than 10 MB, it will not be included as an attachment in the email.

QR Code Issues

If an image is returned but appears to be formatted properly, make sure the QR code is clear and not obstructed. In some cases, the QR code may contain a significant amount of “noise”—the variation of brightness or color information in an image that appears as randomly occurring black or white pixels. If the QR code is not able to be read by the Chrome River software, it may reject the file.

Rescanning or reprinting the cover page and invoice images at a higher resolution with the quality controls set at “fine” will typically resolve this issue. Chrome River’s recommended settings are Black and White, 300 dpi, and the accepted file types are JPG, PNG, OFD, and PDF.

OCR Vision Issues

  • If the upload fails because the image quality was too low, you will receive a notification stating "We were unable to extract data from the invoice image. Please upload a higher quality image or remove the invoice attachment before manually editing."
  • If the upload is canceled because it took too long to upload, you will receive a notification stating: "Invoice OCR was canceled because it was taking too long. Please try attaching Invoice again or remove the invoice attachment before manually editing."

In either case, you will be unable to edit or submit the invoice until you either remove or replace the attachment.

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