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View and Request Emburse Cards

Emburse Cards are physical and virtual spend cards issued to users who do not have corporate credit cards. These make it easy for you to spend a pre-approved amount on travel expenses anywhere credit cards are accepted, without needing to pay out of pocket. Simply request a new physical or virtual Emburse Card—or a top-up of funds on an existing Emburse Card—in the amount of the charges you expect to make, then use it until funds are depleted or the card is suspended.

All transactions will automatically appear in the Credit Cards section of your eWallet, making it easy to drag them onto an expense report. This eliminates the need for you to request reimbursement or a cash advance and manually enter the resulting expenses.

When you use the card, funds are deducted from the approved available balance immediately. You will not be able to complete a transaction if the amount is more than the funds remaining on the card. If your organization uses merchant category restrictions, you may only be able to use the card for expenses that fall within an approved merchant category (e.g., airfare or restaurants).

If you don't spend all the funds on the card and/or the end date specified in the card request has passed, the card will be suspended. You must submit a new request to replenish funds and reactivate the card.

View Emburse Cards

You may view the total number of Emburse Cards assigned to you from the banner on Emburse Enterprise's Dashboard. Click the number to be taken to the Emburse Card section of the eWallet for more details.

EC - View on Dash.png

You may see all of your Emburse cards, their status and their total available funds at a glance in the Emburse Card section of the eWallet.

Click on a card to view its total funds requested per requisition, remaining balance on each requisition, card number, expiration date and billing details.

Request a New Emburse Card

1. Click the + CREATE button in the Emburse Card Request ribbon on the Dashboard.

EC - Create New.png

If your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, the + CREATE button will be in the Pre-Approval ribbon.

2. Your organization may offer multiple Emburse Card bank accounts based on such criteria as office location or department. The Card Request screen allows you to select the appropriate financial account for this request.

If your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, the Card Request pane will be below the Allocation section on the Create Pre-Approval screen.

3. Select whether you want a new physical card or a virtual card.

  • A physical card will be mailed to the address you specify 3–5 business days after your request is approved. It can be used anywhere credit cards are accepted online, by phone and in stores.
  • A virtual card will be available for use immediately upon approval of your request. It can be used anywhere credit cards are accepted online and by phone.

4. Now fill out the information required to issue the card.

  • Name on Card: Use your legal name as you would on any credit card.
  • Card Description: Give the card a nickname to distinguish it from any other Emburse Cards you may have.
  • Shipping Address: If you have requested a physical card, enter the address to which it should be sent.
  • When will you be spending these funds: Enter the dates of the trip or time period for which you require the funds.

5. Next you will need to add funds or specific expenses to your card request. Click the plus button.

On the Add Funds to Your Card screen, click the FUNDS tile.

If your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, you will instead see the Add Pre-Approval Types screen. Click the tile of the first expense type you wish to add.

6. On the Add Funds screen, enter the estimated amount of funds you require and the Business Purpose for using these funds, then click SAVE.

Or, if your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, add the individual expense types and amounts just as you would on any pre-approval request. See Create a Pre-Approval Request for more details.

7. When you are done, you will see a summary of your request on the right. Click the green SUBMIT button at the bottom.

8. You will be asked to certify that the information on the request is correct and click SUBMIT again.

9. Once your request has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation. If you requested a virtual card, you will be emailed a link to set your password so you can log in and view your card.

10. Choose a password that is at least eight characters and contains letters and numbers, then click SET PASSWORD.

11. Next, add a phone number where you can receive text messages and click SEND VERIFICATION CODE.

12. On the next screen, enter the verification code that was sent to your phone and click VERIFY PHONE NUMBER. From this screen you may also:

  • Resend Code: Send a new code if you did not receive the first code or it expired before you could use it.
  • Update Phone Number: Choose a different number for verification via text.

13. On the Emburse Agreement screen, click ACCEPT AND CONTINUE.

14. You will be taken to the Emburse Card Dashboard. Here you may view all your Emburse Cards and transactions and update your personal settings.


15. Click MY CARDS to view each card's account number, available budget, details and any spending restrictions.

Add Funds to an Existing Emburse Card

1. Click the + CREATE button in the Emburse Card Request ribbon on the Dashboard.

EC - Create New.png

If your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, the + CREATE button will be in the Pre-Approval ribbon.

2. Select which Emburse Cards account to reload from.

3. Select RELOAD EXISTING CARD, then choose the desired card from the Select Card drop-down list.

If your organization uses Emburse Enterprise Pre-Approval, you will need to enter additional details about the pre-approval request on the Create Pre-Approval screen.

3. Under When will you be spending these funds, enter the dates of the trip or time period for which you require the funds.

From here, you will add an amount or specific expense types following the steps in Request a New Emburse Card, above.

Add Emburse Card Transactions to an Expense Report

All transactions made on your Emburse Card(s) will automatically appear in the Credit Cards section of your eWallet. Simply drag or add them to an expense report as you would any credit card expense. See Add Credit Card Items to an Expense Report for more details.

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