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Receipt-Capture Tips, Image Specs, and Troubleshooting FAQ

Below are complete image specifications for every method of attaching receipt images to an expense report, including tips for optimizing receipt data-extraction OCR (Optical Character Recognition) results.

Accepted Receipt File Types and Sizes

Via the App

  • Users and their delegates may upload receipt images in PDF, JPG, OFD, and PNG format. (Note: Only PDFs may be uploaded for pre-approvals.)
  • JPG and PNG images must be a minimum of 50 kB.
  • For a single upload, the maximum size is 10 MB. If you wish to add a file greater than 10 MB, either split it into sections or send it via email or fax.

Via the Emburse Enterprise and Emburse Enterprise SNAP Mobile Apps

  • Only JPG, PNG, and HEIC/HEIF files can be accepted.
  • Files must be less than 10 MB. Additionally, the system will cancel any uploads that take more than 60 seconds. If this occurs, you will need to retry the upload when you are on a Wi-Fi or high-speed connection.

Via Email or Fax

This allows you to bypass the file-size limitation on images uploaded through the application. It is also the only way to submit images as TIFF files.

  • Only JPG, PDF, PNG, OFD, and TIFF filescan be accepted.
  • The total size of all images uploaded via email must be 100 MB or less.

To attach receipts directly to a specific report, the Emburse Enterprise cover page with unique report QR code must be included as the first page, in front of the receipts. Users may submit receipts for multiple reports simultaneously by placing the Emburse Enterprise cover page for each expense report at the start of its corresponding receipt packet, like this: Cover Page A, Receipt Packet A, Cover Page B, Receipt Packet B, etc.

Image Capture Tips

    • Place receipt(s) on a white background. Colors and black may lead to poor results.
    • When photographing multiple receipts, orient them all in the same direction.

  • Leave a gap of at least 1.5 inches between receipts.

  • Photograph hotel receipts separately.

  • Hold the device steady when taking the photo.

  • Depending on how your device handles close-up shots, you may want to zoom out completely and then move the device close to the receipt, or move the device farther away and zoom in slightly for clarity.
  • Make sure no other objects are visible in the photo.

  • Do not use flash. Be sure there is no glare on the receipt that obscures the data.

  • During the image-attachment process, select the size (Small, Medium, Large, Actual Size) that’s closest to 500 KB.

For complete details on uploading images via the Emburse Enterprise application or fax/email, see Add Receipt Images to Expenses.

Troubleshooting FAQ

Submission Fails

Faxed/emailed receipts trigger a confirmation email that reports the success or failure of the submission. If the submission fails, the email will list the reason—for example, no cover page or illegible QR code.

Attachment Fails

Occasionally, a receipt image will not attach properly. If this occurs, the application will return the file by email to either the submitter or the firm administrator. If the file is smaller than 50 kB or larger than 10 MB, it will not be included as an attachment in the email.

QR Code Issues

If a receipt is returned but appears to be formatted properly, make sure the QR code is clear and not obstructed. In some cases, the QR code may contain a significant amount of “noise”—the variation of brightness or color information in an image that appears as randomly occurring black or white pixels. If the QR code is not able to be read by the Emburse Enterprise QR code reader, it may reject the file.

Rescanning or reprinting the cover page and receipts at a higher resolution with the quality controls set at “fine” will typically resolve this issue. Emburse Enterprise’s recommended settings are Black and White, 300 dpi, and the accepted file types are JPG, PNG, TIFF, OFD, and PDF.

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