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Log in to Chrome River

Launch the Chrome River application from a supported web browser at the URL given to you by your organization's Chrome River Administrator.

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First-Time LogIn

Click the "Forgot your password" link and enter your login and Company ID. Chrome River will send you an email with a temporary password. The first time you use it, you will be prompted to set your own unique password.

Subsequent Login

Complete the login screen using the User ID, Password and Company ID assigned to you.


    • User ID: svance

    • Password: *******

    • Company ID:

Click LOGIN.

Forgot User ID

If you can't remember your User ID, click ID in the list of links below the LOGIN button, then enter the email address associated with your Chrome River account to have the User ID emailed to you.

Forgot Password

If you can't remember your password, click PASSWORD in the list of links below the LOGIN button, then enter the email address associated with your Chrome River account to have a Password Reset link emailed to you.

Your account will be locked after five failed login attempts with the incorrect password. After the account is locked, no further attempts will be allowed, regardless of the amount of time that has passed.

To unlock your account, you will need to reset your password via email.

Forgot Company ID

If you can't remember your organization's Company ID, click COMPANY ID in the list of links below the LOGIN button, then enter the email address associated with your Chrome River account to have the ID emailed to you.

Logging in Via Single Sign-On (SSO)

Your organization may use Single Sign-On (SSO) to allow you to use one set of log-in credentials to access a number of different applications, including Chrome River.

1. Navigate to the SSO portal address provided by your organization.

2. Enter your email address and your assigned password to log in.

3. Click LOG IN.

Forgot SSO Password

If you have forgotten your password or do not have a password, click FORGOT PASSWORD, enter your email address, and tab CONTINUE to have a reset email sent to you.

Time-Out Pop-Up Message

To ensure data security, Chrome River automatically logs out users after a period of inactivity. A pop-up message will give you the opportunity to keep working, if necessary.

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