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How to Subscribe to Emburse Enterprise Release Notes

Emburse Enterprise releases system enhancements and fixes on a biweekly basis. For customers who have one, changes are deployed to the QA/UAT environment on Tuesday. On Wednesday, enhancements and fixes are activated and new features are made available for activation in the Production environment. Every release is accompanied by a set of notes detailing these changes, including images and how-to steps, if necessary. You may read current and past release notes below.

Subscribe to Release Notes

You may subscribe to be notified by email whenever release notes are published by clicking HERE and selecting Product and Support Updates. If you previously subscribed but are no longer receiving emails, please use the link to resubscribe.

Understanding Release Notes

Emburse Enterprise's release notes are divided into Enhancements, New Features Available, Upcoming Changes, and Resolved Issues.

  • Enhancements: Updates to the app or related processes that are available to all customers automatically. No action is required on your part to activate these features, although certain enhancements apply only to optional features of Emburse Enterprise. If your organization does not take advantage of such features, you will not see the related enhancements in the app.

  • New Features Available: These enhancements require activation by customers, either via self-service methods like the Administration screens or by submitting a request via Support. They are not automatically activated for any customer.

  • Upcoming Changes: We notify customers of substantive changes to the user interface at least four weeks before they appear in the Emburse Enterprise Release Notes and are released to the Production environment. Note that these changes may be released to the QA/UAT environment (for customers who have one) earlier so that customers have time to test them before they go live in Production.

  • Resolved Issues: These include code bugs and other unexpected behavior in the user interface. Each note describes which users were affected and summarizes the issue that was resolved. Only issues that affect more than a few customers are included in the release notes. For smaller bugs, our Support team notifies the affected customers directly via the tickets they have opened.

We may roll out certain changes iteratively through our customer base. As a result, you may experience a few days’ delay (no more than one week) between the publication of release notes and when you see new functionality in the Production environment.

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