Include an Additional Expense Approver Your organization may choose to enable approvers to include an additional approver in the expense routing process. Unlike the Reassign Line Items feature, which transfers approval ownership to another user, this feature allows approvers to get a second set of eyes on an expense report after they have approved it. The additional approver will be added for all line items on the report. Once they have approved the report, it will continue through the approval routing process according to your organization's business rules. Each additional approver may also choose to add another approver as they approve the expense report. Enable Additional Expense Approver Feature Admins may navigate to Security > Access Permissions > Expense > Expense Approvals and check “Allow adding additional approver for a report.” See for Access Permissions Admin Screen for complete details. Add Another Approver to Expense Approval Routing Once this feature has been enabled for your organization, the Add Approver button will appear on the Approval Confirmation screen when you click Approve on an expense report inside Chrome River. Click Add Approver to search for and select the other approver. If desired, you may leave a comment. Then click Approve. Was this article helpful? Yes No