Create a Custom Approval Filter

The Approvals Needed list displays all the expenses awaiting your approval, including the Report Owner, Report Name, Report ID, Submit Date, Amount Spent and Currency Code. You can click the SORT button in the upper right-hand corner to sort the list by Date, Last Name, Amount, Validated or Assigned Date or to add Filters.


In addition to the standard filters listed, you can also create custom filters.

Create a Custom Filter

1. Click CREATE NEW FILTER in the Sort drop-down.

2. Give the filter a name.

3. Under Filter Rules, click ADD FILTER TYPE to select from the filter options.

  • Assigned Date: Shows only those assigned within the specified date range.
  • Assigned to Me Directly: Shows only those assigned directly to you, filtering out any reports or line items assigned via group routing.

  • Assigned to Entity: Shows only reports assigned to a specific group, based on three variables: Roles, Entity Types and Entities. Users may create and save up to three entity filters for their Approval Dashboard.

  • Expense Owner Country: Displays a searchable drop-down list of countries and their codes, allowing you to narrow the approvals displayed to just those belonging to users in a certain country.

  • Expense Owner Entity: Displays a searchable drop-down list of Roles, Entity Types and Entities, allowing you to narrow the approvals displayed to just those belonging to a specific group of expense owners.


4. Select the desired criteria for your filter and click SAVE.

Edit or Delete a Custom Filter

Click the pencil icon next to the filter you wish to edit, make any adjustments, and click SAVE. You may also delete a custom filter from the Edit screen.

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