Rule Builder Attributes Emburse Enterprise's Business Rules admin screen allows customers to tailor their own compliance and routing rules by stringing together various attributes. Below are some of the most popular attributes and their functions. Expense Compliance Attributes Car Plan Tier Name Customers utilizing our Car Plan Expenses feature to drive mileage reimbursement based on a series of named tiers may create rules based on the tier name selected on a particular mileage line item. Compare Line Item Amount to Sum of Specified UDAs Create Compliance rules comparing the sum of a list of configured numeric UDAs on a particular line item to the line item amount or to a specific threshold. Daily Total (Adjusted for Guests) Calculate a daily total (across specified expense types) of line-item average guest amount (or line-item amount, if no guests exist) for line items on the current expense report with the same expense date as the current line item, and to compare the total to a configurable amount. Distance Entered (Miles/Kilometers) Create Compliance and Routing rules based on the number of miles or kilometers entered on a Mileage line item. Exceeds Daily Meal Threshold Create Compliance rules that check whether an employee has exceeded a daily limit for meals, looking across the employee's expense reports as well as expense reports where the employee is listed as a guest. Expense Owner Role/Relationship Attribute Create rules that compare an expense owner's relationship attribute to a particular system attribute or custom value. Mileage Deduction Amount Mileage Deduction Distance Create Compliance and Routing rules that check whether a required mileage deduction has been taken on Mileage line items. Sum of Specified UDAs Create Compliance rules based on the sum of a list of configured numeric UDAs on a particular line item. Transaction Day (of Week) (Line Item primary object) Create Compliance rules based on the line-item expense date’s day of the week. UDF or UDA ExtraData Date Comparison (Line Item primary object) Enhanced date-comparison logic. Expense Submit-Compliance Attributes Allocation Exists Not Equal to EO's Relationship Attribute Create submit-compliance rules based on whether an allocation to other than the expense owner's Relationship Attribute exists on the expense report. Allocation or OnSelect Total Exceeds Amount Determine whether an employee has exceeded a total threshold amount for particular allocations or allocation-on-selects on the expense report. Check Budget Create rules based on the sum of specified line items (spanning multiple expense reports) over a period of time, for a particular expense owner (e.g., Monthly mobile expense does not exceed $50 or Expense owner has spent more than £100 in the current year on Client Gifts). Check Number of Expense Type Submissions Determine whether an employee has submitted more than a specified number of expense claims for a particular expense type over a specified period of time. Contains same-day expense type combination (Report Header Primary Object) Test the expense report for the existence of two different expense types on the same day that may duplicate each other—for example, “Breakfast” and “Hotel - Breakfast” on the same day. The attribute may also be used to test whether a certain expense type exists without the existence of a related, required expense type on the same day—for example, if the report contains a “Tip/Gratuity” expense but no corresponding “Hotel - Lodging” or “Taxi” expense on the same day. Contains spent currency not equal to PayMe or Customer currency (Report Header Attribute) Tests whether the current expense report contains a currency that is different than the PayMe or customer common currency. Expense Owner Role/Relationship Attribute Create rules that compare an expense owner's relationship attribute to a particular system attribute or custom value. Has Invalid Cost Code Override (Report Header Attribute) Allows customers who use cost code overrides to verify that line items contain the correct cost codes. Report Total Excluding Allocation(s) Compare the total of all line items on an expense report to a configurable amount while excluding amounts allocated to specified allocation numbers or types (e.g., Personal allocations). Show Warning with Response List Create warnings that contain lists of responses from which users may choose by selecting the name of the Entity Type that contains the choices you wish to present to users. Pre-Approval Submit-Compliance Attributes Card Request Number of Days Create rules based on the active number of days for a requested Emburse Card. Contains Only Certain Item Types Determine whether the PreApproval report contains only certain item types. Contains listed item types (Pre-Approval Header primary object) Create conditions based on the existence of pre-approval item types that you select. Expense Owner Role/Relationship Attribute Create rules that compare an expense owner's relationship attribute to a particular system attribute or custom value. Expense Report Total Exceeds Pre-Approval Balance Check whether the expense report total exceeds the remaining balance on the attached pre-approval Report Name (Pre-Approval Header primary object) Create Submit-Compliance rules based on the name of the Pre-Approval report. Report submitted more than X days after Pre-Approval end date Determine whether an expense report’s Submit Date is the specified number of days after the End Date of the attached pre-approval. Expense Routing Attributes Allocation Amount Exceeds Threshold Create routing rules based on whether the allocation amount exceeds a threshold that is stored in any of the allocation's User-Defined Fields (UDFs) or the expense owner's UDFs. Car Plan Tier Name Customers utilizing our Car Plan Expenses feature to drive mileage reimbursement based on a series of named tiers may create rules based on the tier name selected on a particular mileage line item. Compliance or Submit Compliance Warning Exists Create routing rules based on whether particular Compliance or Submit Compliance warnings exist on the expense report. Distance Entered (Miles/Kilometers) Create Compliance and Routing rules based on the number of miles or kilometers entered on a Mileage line item. Expense Owner Role/Relationship Attribute Create rules that compare an expense owner's relationship attribute to a particular system attribute or custom value. Mileage Deduction Amount Mileage Deduction Distance Create Compliance and Routing rules that check whether a required mileage deduction has been taken on Mileage line items. Invoice Submit-Compliance Attributes Amount (Spent Converted)(Header primary object) Create submit-compliance rules based on the amount converted into the currency set for the vendor. Amount (Spent) (Header primary object) Create submit-compliance rules based on the amount that is displayed on the physical invoice. Check Memo (Header primary object) Create submit-compliance rules based on the information that will appear in the printed check remittance advice. Has Vat (Header primary object) Create submit-compliance rules based on whether the invoice contains VAT. Contains Images (Header primary object) Create submit-compliance rules based on whether the invoice contains images. Create Source Create submit-compliance rules based on the manner in which the invoice was created. Name Create submit-compliance rules based on the name of the vendor. Vendor Unique ID Create submit-compliance rules based on the unique identifier assigned to every vendor. Was this article helpful? Yes No