Cancel or Delete an Invoice via the Invoice Management Dashboard There are two ways to remove an invoice from the approval process: Cancel: Stops an invoice from routing through the approval process without removing it from the system entirely. The invoice is still visible on the Invoice Management Dashboard, as results in duplicate checking, and via the Exported Invoices standard report in Emburse Analytics (use Update filter: Invoice Header Invoice Status is Canceled). Canceling is available for invoices of any status except Draft. Delete: Removes an invoice from Chrome River completely. The only way to see any of its details is to run the Emburse Analytics Invoice Spend Detail standard report (use Update filter: InvoiceHeader Status is Deleted and add the fields Invoice Header Create Date and Invoice Creator FullName). Deleting is available for invoices of any status except Paid, Exported, or Cancelled. Cancel an Invoice 1. Select the desired invoice in Invoice Management and click CANCEL. 2. On the pop-up screen, you will be asked to select from a list of cancellation reasons. For details on how to set your company's list of cancellation reasons, see Configure Invoice Cancellation Codes in the Invoice Management Dashboard help article. Delete an Invoice Select the desired invoice in Invoice Management, click DELETE, then click DELETE again to confirm. Was this article helpful? Yes No