Create and Manage Goods Receipts Emburse Enterprise's receiving module allows you to track the receipt of items acquired via a Emburse Enterprise purchase order. Create a New Goods Receipt 1. From the Dashboard, click the + CREATE button on the Goods Receipt ribbon. Alternatively, you may click the + button in the upper right corner of the Submitted Goods Receipt list. 2. You will need to select the approved purchase order to which the received goods correspond. Quick Search: Use the search box at the top of the list to search by Vendor or PO Number Advanced Search: Click ADVANCED SEARCH at the bottom to narrow the search by various criteria. When you've found the desired PO in Quick Search, highlight it and click NEXT. Alternatively, an advanced search is particularly helpful if your organization has numerous POs for the same vendor. Enter the desired criteria and click SEARCH. Note that Vendor and Line Item Type are required to execute a search. Once you've found the desired PO via Advanced Search, click LINK. 3. You will be taken to a blank goods receipt with the vendor pre-populated. Click EDIT. 4. Fill in as many details as desired; only Receipt Date and Receipt Number are required. Receipt Date Receipt Number Receipt Receiver: By default, this will be the logged-in user creating the goods receipt. Use the person selector to choose a different user. Description Memo Comments 5. The Items Received section is automatically populated with the items from the associated purchase order, allowing you to record how many of each item were received. If you received every type of line item on the PO, click LINE NUMBER to select them all. Otherwise, check the boxes next to each type of line item you received and enter the total quantity received in the corresponding QTY boxes. Then click SAVE. If you enter a number greater than the total from the PO, you will see a warning message. However, the system will let you save the higher number so that you may document situations where you receive more than the quantity requested on the PO. 6. When you have documented all the goods received, click SUBMIT. If you did not receive all the goods requested on the PO, submit one for the amount you did receive and create additional goods receipts as the remaining items arrive. 7. The goods receipt will now appear in your Submitted Goods Receipt list. 8. You may also view the PDF report of any goods receipt linked to a PO by clicking the blue download arrow next to the goods receipt number on the PO preview screen. View, Edit and Delete Submitted Goods Receipts Click once on the desired goods receipt in the list to view a summary. Click EDIT to make any changes. Click PDF to view the goods receipt's full PDF report. Click DELETE to delete the goods receipt. Goods Receipt Line Assignment on Invoices Goods Receipt customers who use three-way matching and an ERP that requires a specific relationship from Goods Receipt Line to Invoice Line may reconcile goods receipt data on the invoice line level by assigning any goods receipt line that is associated with an attached purchase order to an Invoice line via the Receipt Line Mapping drop-down. Was this article helpful? Yes No